Full Moon

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The next morning came quick and Sky awoke to Mary calling from the front gate.
    "Whore, wake up!"
    Sky groggily checked her bedside clock to see the time.  "Ugh, I'm awake. Are you here?"
    "Yeah. So let me in."
    Sky hung up the phone and then opened the security app on her phone to open the gate.  She shuffled into the bathroom, put on her robe and then went downstairs to see Mary.  Halfway down the stairs Sky found herself muttering a complaint about the number of stairs there were in her house.  Mary had their coffee already poured and was sitting patiently at the huge granite island in the center of the kitchen.
    "How's your head?" Mary asked before taking a sip of her coffee.
    Sky stumbled over to the stool next to Mary, hair in all directions and eyes half closed.  She was not a morning person.  "Not bad, actually."
    "So, what happened with Johnny last night?"
    Then it hit Sky. It wasn't a dream! "Oh my god, he texted me!"  She pulled her phone out of her robe pocket and gave it to Mary to inspect.
    "Oh, wow, okay." Mary grinned and handed the phone back.  "Well, are you ready for tonight?"

Sky thought a second; this was going to be more nerve wracking than ever.  "Um, no."

"I was thinking," Mary started.  "What if after the show, you invite the guys over?"

Sky stared at her wide eyed, trying to process, before taking a huge gulp of coffee; maybe coffee would help.

"You never eat before a show, you could invite them over to eat with you."

"Oh, so they can see me pig out like a heifer."

Mary laughed.  "No, but you'll be way more relaxed. And it will give you time with Johnny."  Sky thought while she tapped her coffee mug.  "You can impress him with your huuuuuuge houseeee...."

Sky snorted and shook her head, "I don't think that will make a difference."

"Well, think about it.  I think it's a good idea.  Otherwise, you're not going to see him for a month."

That's a good point, Sky thought.

Mary and Sky spent the rest of the morning doing some business stuff.  Sky did some yoga in the kitchen while Mary made their phone calls and discussed things about the tour.  So much went into t his stuff, it was really overwhelming for Sky sometimes.  Mary had been around it for a while so it wasn't a big deal for her.

Around noon, Shannon came over to give Sky her massage, by the pool this time. The show was at 6 so around 3 they headed for the venue. 

Getting ready for the show, make-up, costumes, warm up, sound check, it all took hours.

"Here's your suite, sir." The usher held the door for Johnny, as he was carrying a bottle of champagne and a huge bunch of red roses. 

"Holy shit, dude," Steve-o said. "This girl wants your dick so bad!" Johnny let out a cackle. 

The boys piled in, but Johnny held back and asked, "uh hey, how would I get these to Sky?"  The usher spoke into a headpiece he had on, asking for Mary. 

"Mary here."

"Yes, Hello, this is Sam from hospitality – I have a Mr.Knoxville here who has a gift he would like to give to Miss Thomas."

Johnny just stood listening.

"Oh reallyyyyy???" Mary said.  "Okay, I'll be right there. Are you at the suite?"

"Yes ma'am."

Mary confirmed she would be up and Johnny thanked the usher before slipping him a $20.  "Thanks, man."

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