Chapter Twenty-Four : Castles & Kisses

Start from the beginning

Finally I find him sitting in a chair on the patio out back, a glass of scotch in his hand. I knock on the slightly ajar sliding glass door and he simply nods in response.

"Hey, dad," I say, walking out and crossing my arms in front of me.


"How are you?"

"Fine. Good as can be, given the circumstances, anyway," he sounds very tired and a bit agitated. "How are you holding up?"

"Alright," I sigh. "Pretty much got everything out last night, but I still feel strong emotions lingering inside of me."

Dad nods, "I know what you mean. Well, your mother is coming home at six, and all of us are supposed to have a sort of talk."

"Do I have to?", I ask. When he shoots me a stern look, I continue. "I'm not necessarily a fan of confrontation."

"I feel for you, but unfortunately there are things that need to be confronted, and I know you have things to say about it, whether you really want to or not."

Can't argue that. I nod in response and return inside where I shower and change into more comfortable clothes.

My mother strolls through the front door at 5:57 in the evening. It isn't raining anymore; in fact there's a bit of sun with spontaneous gusts of wind. She smiles warmly, carefully at me as she walks into the kitchen and I quickly flash a fake one in return.

Eventually, my parents and I sit around the table with plates of Italian Frittata set before us. Sitting at the dinner table, with food, with both of my parents, is a weird feeling. It's been so long since I've actually eaten dinner, especially with them.

Kind of sad when I think about it, considering this used to be the norm. I take small selective bites of my father's wonderful cooking, waiting for either my mother or father to speak first. Five minutes into the near-silent meal, mom does.

"I want to tell the two of you," she says quietly. "That I am sorry."

Neither my father nor myself reply at all, so mom continues.

"I'm sorry that my absences have been extensive and profuse. I didn't realize... I'm sorry I was so oblivious to how much it upset and bothered the two of you, but I guess last night was the revelation I needed. Scott, seeing you so furious and pained. And Anita, seeing you leave home without a wavering thought... It made me realize my mistakes. I'm sorry."

I can't bring myself to look up at her because I, for some reason, feel like I'll cry if I do. Rather, I nod and say "it's okay". I can't really stay mad at her after she's said all that, not to mention she is my mother and I love her. Even though I want so badly to know why she is always missing, I forget about it and move on.

My father grins at her, and I notice them join hands from across the table. I guess I have my family back.


I wake up on the morning of December twenty-fourth. It's December twenty-fourth. It's Christmas Eve! It's Disney day! I literally jump out of bed with the brightest of smiles on my face.

My playlist full of Disney songs plays at an adequate volume while I sing along and dance around. I can't remember the last time I was this excited!

Okay, well, I was almost equally excited when we were going on our first date to what turned out to be Santa Monica. But even that amount of excitement pales in comparison to how much is currently seeping through every part of my body. I should probably remember to keep it down, given the fact it's merely seven o'clock in the morning...

With You┃Dylan O'Brien ⓵Where stories live. Discover now