"What should I say?" I call out.

"Anything you want," he swiftly yells back.

"Don't tempt me like that, Ally!" I tease.

I scribble a few different messages in my notebook before I actually attempt to write something on the shirt. Instead of marking the image on the front, I turn to the back and start copying out my little message once all the words have come to mind.

'Dear Alex,' I start, 'Nights are short, roads are long, and time is always against us. But with you by my side, I feel half invincible and half unworthy of your grace. But when you whisper those words like, I love you. I remember that in our own little bubble, you love me for more than what reaches the skin, but flourishes my beating heart. I love you, Sienna xo.'

After such a thoughtful message, it saddens me to write Sienna as the sign off name. But I push that sadness away and focus on spending those last few seconds with Alex before he runs out of my life once more to be on tour. Moments with Alex are slim, yet so precious at the same time.

"Done with the shirt." I rush into the kitchen to see him shirtless and standing in the kitchen with an apple in his mouth.

He takes a bite and chews before asking, "Can I read the message?"

I blush up at the thought of it. "Read it on the plane, you'll appreciate it more."

"Only because you've asked." Alex places the apple on the table and then slips the shirt over his head. Despite the bright pink colour being and odd sight on him – any colour would be strange considering his all black themed wardrobe. But he looks good, well, he'd look good in anything.

"See you soon," I say.

"You certainly will. I'm looking forwards to seeing your beautiful self at the award show." He smiles eagerly.

"Ugh, that's if you get your outfit organised first," I remind him once again.

"Already wrote a reminder." He holds up his muscly arm to show the squiggles of black marker.

"Good, because I want us to look great on the night."

"You will."

"And so will you!"

Alex swings his bag over his shoulder, and takes the apple back off the counter. He gives me a long, yet quick kiss before swirling out the front door. I poke my head outside just to be sure nobody else has seen him leaving my apartment. The great thing about this place is that people were either out early or in late – no in-between. Everyone kept to themselves and I respected that greatly.

I close the door and return to my quiet apartment. With sleep clearly riddled from my body, there's no chance I'll be able to get back to sleep now. I search out my laptop for something to do on there. With social media, there's always something to do.

I open my Twitter and Skype account. I find my sister's bubble is online, so I call her while flick over to Twitter to find someone to direct message. Someone posts on my wall and I decide to message them based off their cute kitten icon.

Hannah quickly accepts the call, so I set my computer up on the couch with my blanket in tow. Whilst being curled up, I flick on the television for some background noise so the apartment doesn't come across as too quiet.

"Hey." I wave.

"Hey yourself, you look like shit." She giggles and points to the messy flop of tangled blond hair around my face.

"You don't look to crash hot yourself," I tease back.

Hannah's hair is just as messy, but in a slightly more wild motion because of the extremely messy bone sitting on the top of her head. I can only see the top part of her body, but from the lilac shirt with small white paw prints, I know she's still wearing her pyjamas despite being propped up in the lounge room.

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