Chapter 21: Curtain Closed

Start from the beginning

'wait no...'

Something green descended from where it disappeared. Reaching out for it, I held onto what looked to be...

"...a Feather?..."

Abruptly, the lights blacked out again and a mass of colour ascended threw the air. The surrounding people gasped again in awe once the array of colours came together and formed different shapes.

It took a lot of effort, on my part, not to let my mouth hang open like every other officer I can see within the mist, but I managed somehow.

"Whow~! Look at that!" Someone from the audience shouted, leading others and myself to look.

Down on the ground, there were more glowing lights, but these were more bigger and shaped almost like a...

"no way"

The glowing figures were the police officers in frilly dresses! This 'Blade' guy, thought of everything?!

No One's POV

Hidden within the mist, Kaitou Blade waited patiently for everything to be put into place. Looking up at the beautiful performance, Kaito's doves performed, made the raven thief smile. Even though the present thief in black was the one to teach them how to do it, seeing the hard work they did come to the stage in a brilliant presentation, made the ravenet so proud of their achievement.

'Kaito, sure has amazing Doves' Blade thought fondly as the birds created a giant image of a Phoenix. 'But I better get ready before the white curtain closes in.' He smirked, determinedly

At the point were his audience noticed the glowing police officers in dresses, Blade finally started his on his final for tonight.

As the fog was slowly fading, the glowing birds in the air created one last image of a fire symbol, then dispersed into the open sky. Then suddenly, lights on the ground appeared spread out through out the arena and started to quickly gather to one point in a colourful circle, surrounding a shadowy figure.

Blade stood as confidently as he did before, standing quietly for a few seconds to ensure he had the crowds unwavering attention. Coughing briefly into his while-gloved hand, he spoke.

"Did you all enjoyed the show~!" His voice was carried across the air, allowing everyone, far and wide, to hear.

The crowd and people, at his question, yelled cheers and shouts of approval and happiness, making the smirk on the thief more smug then before.

"As a artist, to see your smiling and happy faces, truly warms my heart, even on this icy stage..."

As he spoke, those of the men in dresses, didn't want to listen, and instead charged forward to the thief while he was preoccupied.

...But now I must bid you all farewell~!"

As the frilly dressed officers came close, Blade waved his arm across with a click and the colourful lights circling around him dispersed at the cross-dressed men, surprising them. Bursting into big poofs of colour and confetti.

"He heading that way!"

Nakamori called, seeing a silhouette of a top hatted thief. At the order, every able man came skating in their last pursuit.

"Surround him in the middle of the stadium, he won't escaped!"

As they surrounded the criminal to were he first appeared, they watched as he stopped at the case once again. Leaning on it casually, Blade's grin was the only thing he allowed for the rest to see, hat tipped down to cover the top half of his face, elbows pressed on the sliced ice.

Blade Series: Another Phantom Thief? (A Magic Kaito and Detective Conan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now