Chapter 3: A new face named Abigail

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I open my eyes to see darkness, not total darkness but just enough to where I can see but it's hard to do so. I shift my  body upward so that I can get up from my bed and wake up. " Ugh what time is it, I feel like a stiff piece of wood". I  groaned as I stretched as far as my body could go. I stood up and noticed that I'm not in the bigger apartment I used to have in the city, but instead now I have  grandfather's old cottage from yesterday.  " Gosh grandpa couldn't spare any more gold on that piece of wood you call a bed." I look at my watch and notice that is five thirty in the morning. Though I was surprised I was not shocked to see what time it was, I'm am now a farmer and I have to get used to these times(no matter how much I don't want to)

I put on my clothes to get ready for the day, bu then I saw the TV from last night. "It couldn't hurt to watch for a few minuter before getting to work, I'll be okay" I sit down in front of the TV sense the only chair I have goes to the table in the top part of the one room cottage, and press the on button.  I'm glad I did decide to watch TV, there was no programs besides three. One was the weather forecast for the next day(tomorrow it said it would be sunny). Second was a luck channel that would supposedly tell my fortune for the current day. Last was a farmer channel teaching beginners and intermediates stuff you may have not known. I decided to watch the farmer channel. It taught me how grow crops by planting the seed and watering everyday until it grows until you sell it.

After the program I got to get going. " I can't sit here all day I have work to do if I want to succeed in this business". That is when I noticed a package with a note on it. I open the letter and it read "here's a little something to get you started"-mayor Lewis. " to get me started? what the heck does that mean" I wondered. I opened the package to see 15 packs of parsnips seeds, I gave a small smile because of his generosity and gave a little chuckle." Now to start my brand new life, I will do my best grandpa" you say as you look up to the ceiling.

I walked to see the morning just see the sun rise, I stared at for a minute amazed at it's beauty (I've never seen a sunrise this beautiful before). I look down just to see the same old, dirty field that was there before with tress and all. " Jeez why am I the one pick all this up could grandpa hire someone to take care of this place while he was gone, or was he that cheap" I shrugged it off and started to wonder how I was going to get rid of the mess. Then I saw out of the corner of my eye a line of tools against the side of the cottage, there was an ax, pickax, hoe, watering can, and a scythe." Well that sure is convenient" I say to myself. Along with the 15 parsnip seeds I started to get to work.

First I had to get rid of the tress, shrubs and rocks in my way, using the ax I cut the trees in my way, I used the scythe to cut shrubs and I used the pickax to mine any rocks. When I did I grabbed the rocks the wood and fiber they dropped and made a clearing. " That should be enough for what I have". Enough thought it was simple work I felt more drained than I have in along time. Then I hoed 15 plots of land in a 5x3 formation, I planted the seeds and watered them enough for one day. I was sweating after watering the seeds even though I was only holding the watering can to drop the water. "well no matter, Mayor Lewis said i should check out Pelican town so I guess I should do that, tomorrow I could go explore that forest I saw" I look in my pockets to see 500 gold to spend on the essentials. I walked off into the direction of Pelican town.

I walk through the fork between the town and the bus stop to get to the town. I walk in the town to see a small village like town with concrete pathways to where you walk.  At the moment it was about 9 in the morning so I knew not everybody would be awake but when I look around there was just nobody. What caught my eye was a general store owned by a guy named Pierre( It said so on the sign) I had nothing to do right now so I figured why not shop for more seeds.  As I walked into the shop, someone rushed out of the door and ran into me which pushed them back onto the ground . It was a girl with purple hair and pale skin, she wore a blue sleeveless jacket that went down to her knees. Under she she wore what appeared to be a black dress with a belt holding both the jacket and dress together, she also had a blue and green bow in her purple hair.

"Ah I'm sorry for knocking you over" I said as I pulled out my hand for her to use. "thanks" she replied when then she got a look at me. " You must be the new farmer that people have been talking about, the names Abigail."  she said " Oh, My names (Y/n) by the way" I said as she put on sad face. " Although that's too bad, you moving that is. I always loved exploring that overgrown field  by myself." She replied in a sort of depressed tone. Without much thought I responded with" oh you liked exploring grandpa's old field, well you still can if you want I don't mind" I said. She looked with a small smile. "Thanks your not a bad person (Y/n)." She then looked at her watch and screamed." OH NO I'M GOING TO BE LATE WITH SEBASTIAN." At that moment she dashed off at quick speeds and said while running" See you later (Y/n)." As she ran out of my sight.

I sat there dumbfounded by how quick she could run." Well so much for meeting the people of this town, eh mayor Lewis" I thought to myself so no one would hear me say it. " Well better go in the store and see what it has for me" I said to myself as I headed in. Though I did not notice I was being watched by someone in a tower on the middle of the forest.

"Interesting, very interesting"  The mysterious figure said.

End of chapter 3 part 1

A Stardew Story/ Male reader x Stardew valley GirlsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя