Chapter 2: meeting with new people

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I was now on the bus heading for star dew valley. When I got the news of My new farm i decided to quit my job at Joja and risk it all on grandpa's farm. I'm not even sure why I decided to do this was it to succeed like grandpa, was it to finally change my life or was it to see where could my life possibly go after this, I guess I will never know. While sitting on the bus I noticed a lot green fields and trees but other than that there was not much too the area, except a BIG freaking desert just in the middle of star dew valley. " Why is there a big desert in the middle of a green fields, this place is starting to weird me out."

My journey to Star dew Valley is coming to a close as the driver announces the stop. " This is the last stop now arriving in Pelican Town small town with a population of about 30 people." I was not sure whether or not to be happy or disappointed when I learned that the small town I was going to live only had 30 people, but i didn't let that get to me not today because today is the day i start my new life.

I get up out of my seat and head down past the stairs off the bus. The first thing I noticed was not the woman in front of me but the area I was in. Everything in this town was so green and lively like a festival, the trees swayed in the wind while leaves blew gently right off the tree. That was when I noticed  a woman in front of me. She had bright orange hair with some of it parted to the side of her head, she wore a long sleeved shirt that is all yellow along with what appears to be a wool vest along with it. though she was tall she still only was up to my ear in height ( you are 5 feet and 10 inches BTW). " Hello! You must be (Y/n) right?" I was surprised when I heard her voice speak to me for the first time. " Yeah that's me what is your name?"

"Oh yeah, I'm Robin, the local carpenter. Mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home. He's there right now, tidying things up for your arrival."  "Your a carpenter?" I replied " Yeah I am,  what about it"? I hear a hint of anger in her voice like she was going to do something. " No, no I just meant that I was confused by what you meant". "oh sorry about that I thought you meant something else" she stated. "Anyway, the farm is right over here, if you'll follow me.

We continued to walk  into the farm land I saw it, the land on which I own, And it was a complete mess! " This is (F/n) farm" Robin said. I could not believe what I was seeing the entire place was a wreck. There were trees and shrubs everywhere with rocks an d stray branches on the ground, with all the crap around i don't even know how i'm going to move around in this place. Robin must have noticed my surprise when she said " What's the matter?" "What's the matter! Look at this place it is a complete mess what am I even going to do" I wasn't necessarily angry but more like shocked and surprised to say the least. She replied with a little  chuckle and said"  Sure it's a bit overgrown, but there's some good soil underneath that mess, With a little dedication you'll have it cleaned up in no time".  I decided to brush it off for now" She's right with a little hard work I can get this cleaned up in no time, but what about that house" I said to myself so robin would not hear.  Behind me was a old house that looked t had seen better days,  bits of wall were missing and some parts of the stairs, all in all its was not as bad I thought it would be.

"And here we are, your new home" Robin said with a happy expression on her face. Just then the door opened up to reveal someone new. It was a man he had white skin, a brown ivy cap on his head, and a grey mustache, has a green long sleeved shirt with a yellow tie and brown suspenders holding up his pants. With a happy expression the man said " Ah, the new farmer" He walked down the stairs and stood next you. " Welcome! I'm Lewis, Mayor of Pelican Town" " It's nice to meet you Mayor Lewis, I'd take you already know my name right" I stated. He replied with a chuckle and said" of course I do I'm the mayor I know everyone in this town, oh by the way, you know, everyone's been asking about you. It's not everyday that someone new moves in. It's quite a big deal!  It got quite for a moment until Lewis looked at the old house and said" So... You're moving into your grandfather's old cottage.  It's a good house... very 'rustic'."  We all looked at the old home like it was an old friend, that is when I said" Yeah it doesn't look all that bad I'm sure i could fix it" Lewis stared at me until he gave a heartwarming smile, so I smiled back. It was quite till Robin started to speak " Rustic? That's one way to put it... Crusty might be a little more apt. though" she said with some hearty laughter.

When Lewis shouted the word RUDE! I couldn't help but laugh with her. "Don't listen to her (Y/n). She's just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one her house upgrade." Robin stared with her mouth wide open in complete shock until she gained her composure and returned with a loud HMMPH, that's when a surprising yawn came right out of me" Oh I did not think I would be tired after the bus ride" I thought to myself. " Anyway.. you must be tired from the long journey. You should get some rest." Lewis suggested. " Tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce your self. The townspeople would appreciate that." He then started to walk off to leave, when he saw the light brown wood box and faced me to say

" Oh, I almost forgot. If you have anything to sell,  just place it in this box here. I'll come by during the night to come collect it. Well ... good luck" he said as he walked off to what I can guess id the town. Robin also headed off that way and said " If you need anything just come over and i'll help you promise" I replied with a thank you as she walked off back home. I looked at the house one more time and decided to head on in. When I walked I noticed some things, first i noticed a TV in the corner, at first I was happy because I would something to do in the down time, but if I'm going to be a farmer I need to use all the time I have so I did not think. The rest of the stuff inside was what a normal house would have a bed a table and a house plant(oddly enough there was no toilet). I decided to have an early night, so I took off my clothes except my underwear and crept into bed.  " I think I'm going to have a good life here".

End of chapter 2

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