"Guys could you do me a favor and stay here with her, and if Harry comes back you make sure he stays away" I said.

" Of course" Zayn said.

" Thank you , I'll be right back" I said walking out the door.






" I'm back guys" I said walking through the door with a big bouquet of flowers and balloons.

" I need some help at the house for when she comes back , I want it to be clean and just the way she likes it, please?" I asked.

" Anything for you Niall" Liam said

I walked over beside the bed and bent down," I won't be gone long princess, I will be back for you don't worry" I said kissing her cheek.

Me and the guys headed home to clean and get it perfect for Faith when she gets back.






" Guys it looks amazing!!" I said happy," could you guys go by some balloons, chocolates ,and roses , oh and a bunch of those little apple cinnamon candles , those are her favorite" I asked.

"Here is a hundred dollars" I said handing them money," thank you guys so much" I said hugging their necks.

I headed back to the hospital to see when Faith is going to be able to come home.

I walked through the hospital doors straight to the front desk,"when will Faith Johnson be able to leave the hospital?" I asked.

" Uhh, as soon as she wakes up and no signs of any damage" the lady said.

" Thank you " I said walking to the elevators.

I approached her door and opened it, I looked and saw she was awake,"Faith" I said excited," are you okay my darling?" I asked.

" Oh my gosh Niall!" she said hugging my neck while lying on the bed.

" You don't know how excited I am to see you! I didn't think anyone would show up to see me" she said crying.

" Baby , you know I will always be here for you no matter what" I said hugging her back.

" Even if I did kiss Harry ?" she asked.

" Yes even if you did, I will always love you my princess" I said kissing her hand.

" I got the house all cleaned up ready for you to come home" I said smiling.

" Wait , I thought you wouldn't love me anymore because I kissed Harry?" she seemed confused.

" I will never be mad at you, unless you give my snuggles away because those are only for me" I said smiling.

" That will never happen, you are my only snuggle buddy" she said smiling.

-Faith's POV-

I was so happy to see Niall, I finally knew that Niall was the one for me, he has been there for me since the beginning and he will always be here for me," I'm ready to go home and snuggle with you babe" I said leaning my head back on my pillow.

" Trust me I wish I could take you home now and snuggle with you" Niall said holding my hand.

Someone knocked at the door," come in" I said. the doctor walked through the door and said," glad to see you awake ms. Johnson , I see no damages but would like to keep you overnight, just in case"

" Okay , thank you doctor" I said.

"That stinks" Niall said.

" Yea I know, I'm not looking for to the hospital food, yuck!" I said laughing.

" I can't wait to take you home tomorrow!" Niall said smiling.

" I know, just don't forget to come get me" I said giggling.

" I'm no going to forget because I'm staying the night here, first thing tomorrow when you wake up we are leaving" Niall said.

" Babe, you don't have to stay for me" I said.

" I am, I care about you and I'm not going to let you stay in this terrible place by yourself" Niall said holding my hand, he made me fell so much better.

" Are we still boyfriend and girlfriend?" Niall asked.

" Of course , and I promise no more of me and Harry , never ever going to happen again" I said.

" So it's okay if we kiss?" Niall asked.

" Yes of course, I miss your little Irish lips" I said smudging his face together.

" Your such a gentleman and I love that about you" I said smiling.

" And I get to call you my princess!" Niall said leaning over kissing me , it feels so much better kissing Niall then it did Harry.



Hey , I updated twice in less than 24 hours!! Yasss haha *applauses* thank you thank you lol , I hope you enjoy what's happening, if not let me know! thank you :)

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