Not who they thought 12

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Chapter 12

Cassandra POV:

We prepared together for the party doing each other’s hair and make-up. We wanted to make one hell of an entrance. Especially Anna and I, seeing that we wanted to show those dumbasses. We wanted to make them see how confident we were and that we didn’t need them although I think that Anna kind of wanted to be with Kyle. Maybe it would be cool if they were together because she could change him. Now that I think about it he already has changed. He didn’t say one nasty thing to me since I’m here.

“Cass, stop thinking and put you’re shoe’s on. The party already started and we want to go down.” Lisa told me while tapping her foot impatiently on the floor. She really didn’t know what waiting meant.

I looked up and saw Anna in the corner looking really uncomfortably.

“Hey Anna, you shouldn’t be nervous, you look hot like hell. Come on we’ll go down and show those fuckers who’s on top and I didn’t meant it in a sexual way.” I quickly added seeing that Lisa was already smirking.

“We all know who you would like on top of you, don’t we.” She said with a smug look. I hated it when she was right and I had to admit that she was most of the time.

“Keep that smile from your face will you and by the way I prefer being on top.” I told her with a wink which made us all laugh.

At the time we were calmed down we started to descend the stairs. Lisa was going to go in first so that the boys knew that Anna and I would follow after her and that we would have the attention.

We walked together arm in arm down the final stairs and saw that everybody was gaping at us including Gabriel and Kyle. I think I even saw a little drool.

Kyle POV:

Everything was so messed up since Cass ran away. My parents wouldn’t even talk to me. They avoided me and hell they were right I didn’t deserve a family after the way that I treaded her.

The big surprise after Cass left was Gabriel, he completely panicked and shut down; he still did his alpha duties but he didn’t even once partied with one of us. The most surprising was the fact that he stopped his player ways. It really made me think about what Cass said the day she ran away. She said that he was her mate and I didn’t believe her but with everything that went by after, I started to doubt the fact that she lied. I actually think that she was right.

I still remember the face Gabriel made when she showed at our door with the other pack. She changed so much, she became a beautiful young lady but when she looked at us I could see the hatred in her eyes. After she went in I wanted to talk about it with Gabriel but he just went in and looked like he just had seen a ghost. I knew that the past two years he had searched for her but I just thought that he felt guilty.

I wasn’t so sure about that anymore seeing that as the days past by I noticed that he was always around her. I think that he tried to make it look as if it was normal but even Cass started to realize not that it seemed that it bothered her. I think that the others didn’t really noticed but I knew that it was only a matter of time before she forgave him.

As her brother I should be so angry at Gabriel but seeing that I did the same thing I just couldn’t. It still made me realize that I just should have accepted her.

I stood with Gabriel and some of the boys from our pack at the party. When we heard a commotion and turned. There in front of me stood the most beautiful creature. She looked absolutely gorgeous. At the top of the stairs stood Cass with Anna, my amazing mate. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

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