Chapter 11- Pi Kappa Phi

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Friday morning, I walked across campus to Brecker Hall with my math textbook in hand.  I was going there under the pretense of needing math help, but I really just wanted to see how Dominic had been holding up over the last few days. 

Opening up his office door, I opened my mouth ready to make some joke about my lack of knocking when I saw Isabelle sitting in my chair, playing with her hair and laughing(probably about how many brain cells she had lost this past week).  I froze in the doorway, unsure of what to do.  Should I wait to see if anyone will notice me standing here or should I just leave and pretend I was never there?

I don't know why I felt so sick seeing him with her.  She had as much as a right to be there as me, but yet the second I walked through that door and saw them together I felt like I was going to puke. 

My stomach flipped over and I made the decision to get the hell out of there before I had to see Isabelle's smug smile because if I had to see that then I definitely would puke.

I turned to walk out the door, but of course at that moment Isabelle looked over and saw me standing there(bad luck!).  And that bitch gave me her smug smile just like I had predicted. I hate her.

"I was just leaving." I pointed to the door, pathetically. "Nice to see you, Isabelle."

"Andrea, is it?  Professor Brown and I were just starting to actually get some work done here. Could you come back later?" She smiled sweetly, and if Dominic wasn't sitting a few feet away I would have slapped that smile right off her face.  I glanced over at Dominic, who was conveniently looking the other way. Coward.

He makes me go from sympathetic to pissed off in two seconds flat.  Whatever, he can be like that.  I'll be the one having the last laugh tonight when I meet a hot frat boy who will have me asking 'Dominic, who?'

"No problem. Enjoy your one-on-one time. Hope you're making the most out it." I winked at Isabelle, who looked at me with surprise.  I snuck a look at Dominic who had become as still as a statue and looked like he wanted to kill me. I pinched myself hard to stop myself from laughing out loud.

I know that it was a crappy thing to do, but it sure made me feel a lot better.  I walked out of the room to the noises of a chair scraping against the floor.  My guess, Dominic was making sure him and Isabelle hada little more space between them.  Sorry, Isabelle.


8 hours later…

"I can't believe I'm wearing this." My hands reached for the hems of Blake's American Apparel Disco Shorts and for what seemed like the millionth time of the night, yanked down the fabric.  I'm not even sure if you can call this article of clothing, shorts.  It's skimpier than most of the underwear I wear, but apparently it's all the rage at college parties.  However, my butt kept feeling like it was going to fall right out and I was feeling a breeze in all the wrong places.

You might be wondering why I was walking around UCLA half-dressed.  I'll give you one guess.  If you said Blake, you're right.  I should never have promised that girl I'd wear the outfit of her choice if she got Reina and I into Pi Kappa Phi's party.  It turned out she was already invited and frat's are always more than happy to accommodate a few extra girls, so all she had to was snap her fingers and Bam! we were in.

But so far, she had been surprisingly nice to Reina tonight so I have tried to keep my complaining to a minimum.  She didn't even make a snide comment when Reina told her that she had been waiting for this moment all her life and Blake was her fairy godmother in a way for making it all happen.  Even I had to roll me eyes a little at that one.  It's a fraternity party, afterall.

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