Argument pt.1

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Third POV 

Jimin saw yoongi talking to someone on his way to pick up their child to his mom's house because he bought all the baby needs

He saw yoongi and the woman that he's talking with and they seemed close to each other, as if the woman's been attached like a glue to yoongi

There's so many thoughts inside of his head right now, he can't help it though and its only natural for someone who gave birth to be stressed and overthink over those kind of things

6:14 pm 

Jimin is taking care of new born baby while waiting for yoongi, because he's supposedly be home by 5pm 

thoughts are going through Jimin's head, like yoongi's having fun over there while he's here taking care of their baby all day long

Now's past 10pm the baby's already asleep, jimin wanted to lay on the bed early but he can't fall asleep, thinking about what he saw this afternoon

then Jimin heard the car parked

Yoongi's finally home and its already 10:47pm

He parked the car and went inside the house

He slowly open the door to their room, he saw Jimin lying on their shared bed and baby's sound asleep on the crib, he put his things down, carefully crawl through the bed and about to kiss his wife

suddenly Jimin spoke "what time is it?" he said and that made yoongi startled

"babe, you scared me i thought you were sleeping" he said in a low voice and hugged Jimin

"get off of me" Jimin demanded

Yoongi stopped "what's the matter? are you tired?" he asked and still clings onto jimin

Jimin sits up "i told you get off of me right? what part of the phrase that you didn't understand?!"

Yoongi  was shocked as he also sit up "what's wrong? did i do something wrong to make you this mad at me all of a sudden?" he asked, still confused

Jimin just looked away and he sighed "its none of your business, im going to sleep now" jimin is about to pull the bed sheet but yoongi grabbed it

"what? what's with you? saying its none of my business?! i won't let you sleep until you tell me what the problem is, so tell me what's wrong" yoongi said in an angry tone but in a low voice

Jimin then asked "you're supposedly home by 5pm right?"

"I took an over time an-"

"why didn't you text me then if you're staying late?! i was waiting for you" Jimin said in a low voice

"babe i texted you"

"i didn't receive any" jimin said with a straight face

Yoongi checked his phone and the message was failed to send cause of the low signal, he scratched the back of his head "babe sorry, the message didn't sen-"

"who's the girl from before?" Jimin asked again

"huh? what do you mean?"

Jimin stared at him and looked away "I saw you near the convinience store with someone maybe around 2pm" he asked with a suspicious look

Yoongi still sitting on the bed infront of his wife as he explains "babe, she's just a colleague"

"a colleague? you seem close to her and she's attached like a super glue on you, yeah?"

"baby, she's just a colleague nothing much, please don't misunderstand this" Yoongi said and caressed Jimin's hands for assurance

Jimin sighed and he crawl out of the bed as he stood up "did you eat?" he asked out nowhere


"did you finish your work?"


"how about an affair?" jimin said while he walk towards the crib to check on their baby

Yoongi's in disbelief "what? what the hell are you talking about?! there's no way that'll happen"

Jimin glance with cold eyes "really?"

Yoongi got irritated and he stood up "are you.. are you suspecting me?"

"no?" jimin said as he turn his way to yoongi

"NO?! don't talk to me with that kind of tone, it pisses me off"

"oh, its pissing you off? really?" jimin faced yoongi and he snicker

Note : i made yoongi tall here y'all

"what about me? do you know what's pissing me off? i gave birth to your child, i've been taking care of it like i should and you? you didn't even bother to call me all along to ask if how's the baby? how am i feeling? or am i tired!? and not even ask if i can send the picture of your child!" Jimin shouts and the baby starts crying and that made jimin snap out of it

Yoongi's still standing on the same place

Jimin carried the baby to the other room and left Yoongi

on the other room Jimin's trying to make the baby calm

yoongi slowly entered the room and walk towards his wife and gave him a back hug and he whisper "babe...I'm sorry" he rest his head on the younger's shoulder, jimin still carrying the baby

"yoongi get off" jimin said with cold voice "I'm taking care of the baby" yoongi then hug him tightly "no, you know I never let you sleep mad at me, I don't want your mind to be fixated nor thinking such things" he said as he hugs more tightly

"i said get off, let's just talk about it later after yoonha fall asleep"

yoongi felt cold on jimin's voice and he doesn't have any choice but to agree, he kissed jimin's head and left the room

Pardon my grammar I'm not really good in english like you guys do please understand T - T

Hope to see y'all next chapter!

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