Chapter 11

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For starters I am extremely sorry for ditching this story and the loyal readers who are no doubt irritated at my absence.


Once the gate closed and I was sure the car was far away I started to speed walk the beast I could down the winding road. It seemed as though the mansion was on a mountain and the road I was walking down wrapped around it. Even though I was enjoying the view of the many trees at the base of the mountain, I was also become more and more discouraged At the lack of population. What do I do once I get to the bottom? Keep following the gravel until I find someone? What if they catch me first?

Right at that thought I could hear screaming from the house and furious running footsteps coming my way. At that second I realized I had to get away from where they could see me. Summoning up the little courage and strength I had left I bolted into the steep forest and headed crash course for the base of the mountain.

Before I realized what happened I tripped on an exposed root and was tumbling down. Before I could come to a stop I hit my head of a tree with a great thwack!

I stared up at the sky, feeling heavy amounts of blood oozing out from my head. I was sure I was going to die. I opened my eyes one last time before turning my head to my right, and there stood the most magnificent beast I had ever laid eyes on. A huge wolf stood there staring at me. It's golden eyes boring into my soul. As it came closer I could feel it's hot breath on my face before passing out.

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