Do I Sound Pathetic?

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There's a sting worse then when somebody hits you. It's when somebody you love, somebody who you honestly think the sun shines out if their ass, hits you and fucking means it.

So you can imagine the pain when Gerard shoved me into the sharp corner on the bathroom sink. We were arguing and I mean, yes things were said. But don't just do that.

My first reaction is to hit back. Gerard stumbled back, clutching his nose with watering eyes." You....You don't even know. " I said breathlessly. My chest heaving.

I literally gave up my life for him. I could have waited this out, for him to stay there alone and shaking but I didn't. No, I stormed in with guns blazing. He doesn't know. He doesn't.

" I'm going go out. " I whispered, stepping past Gerard where he leaned against the wall in pain. Possibly broke his nose. We'll talk about the later.

I stumbled blindly out of our room. It's only around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Leading myself down the hall, I remembered a bar a few streets over. We drove past on the way here.

Yeah. There.

I pulled into the parking lot. It was a little packed, or it was a tiny parking lot or both.

I slunk into the grimy bar, pushing open the door and peaking through. There was a slight haze from the smokers in the room, heavy scent of alcohol and cigarettes. I stepped through.

There was an empty bar stool, which I slipped over to occupy. The bartender strolled over.

" What are you gettin', sweetheart?" I squinted at him. He squinted back.


" umm, surprise me." I sighed finally, drumming my fingers on the grime-slick tabletop. I sit, picking at my fingers until somebody slips into the stool beside me.

" Wicked tats, man." He commented, resting his elbows on the edge of the table. I huffed through my nose and looked up at him slyly.

" Thanks. I'm Frank." I grinned, blinking at him and chewing on the inside of my cheek a little. He smirked back, raising his hand up in a salute.

" Jeremy. What're ya drinking? If you are, that is." Jeremy informed me, gesturing to my empty hands before turning to fully face me.

He was cute. Strong features and light hair. He had thick stubble, nearly a beard but not quite. His nose stuck through with a small ring, glinting under the shitty bar lighting.

" Not sure. Went with a surprise." I chuckled, my eyes flickering over his face. Jeremy smiled back.

" I got you. Had no idea what to get, huh?" I snorted and nodded. Jeremy laughed, leaning foreword slightly and grinning. We locked eyes, both giving off the I want to get into your pants look pretty steadily. The bartender slid my drink over wordlessly, probably knowing better then anyone what was about to go down.

We stayed a little longer, me drinking enough to be swayed. Jeremy and I slipped off the stools, leaving a pair of tens on the table which the bartender swooped over to collect.

The cool summer night air rushed our faces as we stepped outside. I tugged Jeremy over to my truck, leaning him against it. There was a metallic clink as his belt bumped the car door, with the noiseless collision of our messy lips.

He was different then Gerard. His beard was a little scratchy against my chin, which was new. I was the stubbly one in the relationship. Jeremy's rough hands curled around the back of my neck, where Gerard liked to hold my waist. He was taller then Gerard as well, making me have to go even farther up on my toes to get a good angle.

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