Sims 4 Is Here

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So I tried Sims 4 just now, it literally just came out thirty minutes ago. It's a bit confusing, but it seems like it will be a lot of fun. I was pissed though, because none of the sims I made in Create a Sim demo were in my gallery anymore sooo that means I didn't get to start with the Warners. I just made a completely new family from scratch. I was excited to see that there are more clothes in the game then there were in the demo. I remember beign so lost and confused when I first got the Sims 3, for like a month I spent my time creating sims and not actually playing because I didn't get it. I'm hoping to pick up on the Sims 4 a lot faster. I moved my family in and learned a few basic controls, but sadly I have to go to bed so I'm not utterly exhausted for school tomorrow. I will play tomorrow and I will most like update everyone on what's happening. Let's hope Sims 4 is worth the 70$ I spent on it. 

a screenshot is featured to the side ----->

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