Brothel Challenge

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I came across this challenge and found it to be very interesting. This is where I got the challenge from: , just so we avoid and plagiarism issues. I am giving credit to Simtastic67 since they are the one who posted it on this site. 

You have to make your brothel. It must have:
-A bedroom for each sim
-1 bathroom
-1 kitchen
-1 entertainment room (bar, radio, TV, sofas/chairs)

After building your brothel you must have 1000 dollars or less.

To make money, you obviously have to woohoo with sims that are OUTSIDE of your household. You cant make money any other way. After woohooing with a sim then you may type in kaching to get money. After 6:00pm your sims can go out and get people to woohoo with. Before 6pm your sim can only invite sims over.

Create your prostitutes:
You need to have a minimum of 2 sims and a maximum of 5
You can choose your sims traits

Before your sims turn into elders, they need to be replaced by the next generaton you can achieve this by:
Having children
Recruiting someone with the Romantic trait

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