The Found

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'Genius is talent set on fire by courage'
-Henry G.

It was a brilliant light that cascaded the entire town in a blanket of glow. The mere site of it made her run to civilization, taking the bright lights of wooden house over the dark eerie wilderness.

As soon as she ran to the the end of the path and started to the beginning of the town, something was wrong. It was just a feeling that crept over her like thousands of spiders crawling. It just didn't feel right. Walking throught the middle of the town, there was no people. Empty houses stood with no movement inside. The path had no tracks or prints lableing that at least someone lived here.

It was a ghost town.

She went up to a door and knocked. "Hello? Hello?" No sounds of shuffling feet or voices wafted to her ears. Hmmm. She walked back to the path and went along until she spotted a well made of cobblestone and a wooden roof hanging over with a rope leading down. She sat down with her back against the well's shell and thought.

Looking up, a grand show of stars lit up the sky like fireworks, each little light bright for all it's worth. Shouting out 'Here I am World!' and such as the star stood in the sky. She put her hand up to the sky, clenching and unclenching her hand.

The rubble moved little by little as she scratched the way out but it seemed hopeless. A steel pipe laid out to the side was snatched and used as a lever to pry a piece of slab concrete to create a breathing hole. She tried to look through the hole. What seemed like the midnight sky was the only thing she could see.

A tear slid down her eye. She wiped it with the back of her wrist. No use crying, it won't get me out of this hellhole. She again went back to her scratching and shoveling.

She gasped and openes her eyes. What was she remembering? Was she supposed to remember somthing that was locked away in the most complex puzzle? She banged her hands on the sides of her head. If only she could reach inside her brain and pull out the nessessary pieces needed. If only it were that easy.

A low scuffling scratched the cobblestone behind the well. Her eyes grew wide in fright, pressing her back to the cold well. Slowly, she inched her way to the lip of the well. There was nothing there on the other side of the town where the path into town led out of it.

Something moved. Black forms of shapes moved like silhouettes against the black of the dead forest.

Shouts rang off the housing into her ears. As quickly as the shouts came a form burst throught the treeline trekking across the path hitting the cobblestones.

She stood up from the well and stares in awe at the other person. She isn't alone in this desolate place; is there more? She was about to wave to him until his head flickered to her. The boy turned and ran straight for her.........the other things did also.

They weren't so much as shadows than they were as actual forms, more like blobs of inky purple hurtling at an amazing toward the boy and her. Thick, bulging eyes of orange-red pireced through her, making her stand stiff and stare back in fright.

This was more than just a scary movie in the dark, this was staring into the eyes of death itself.

"Go, go, run!" She vaguely heard the voice but didn't move from the stare of those eyes. Until she felt someone grab her around the waist and run, carrying her. The echoing steps off the cobblestones jumped up to a new speed as the boy veered to the left leaving the houses behind but the forest coming closer.

Bushes and hanging branches snapped at her legs and face but the boy kept her closer to him. The dark of the trees suddenly receded until nothing but a deep gourge was set in front of them. The other side of land looked so far away.

The boy kept on going. "You're going to have to trust me on this. Don't scream." His voice was deep yet light and easy to listen to. She silently promised.

As soon as where land ended and the beginning of air started, he jumped. She squeezed her eyes but never felt the plumeting sensation of her body falling through.

Opening her eyes, a pillar of earth rushed to meet the boy's feet everytime he jumped from one to the next. She looked back between the boy's arm and body to see the blurs stop at the edge. Hissing screams cursed through the air sounding abnormal.

She didn't remember how, but she fell asleep.

I promise the next chapter shall be longer. Like last chapter criticism is open here so post comments and opinions and i'll update as soon as i can.

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