Chapter one

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The day started off with stretches, a run and exercise. Afterwards she'd jump in the shower once she's finished doing her morning routine. The girl walked into the empty kitchen grabbing one of the the plates her father prepared.

"Good morning, Sana." The girl turned back seeing her dad smiling at her, while making his way to the counter to make coffee.

"Good morning, Father." The girl said and made her way to the table, placing her plate onto the table. "Is Mina even awake?" She asked as she popped a piece of bacon into her mouth.

The guy turned back and gave her a nod, pointing up to the ceiling and there was a loud thud. "She's just waking up." The guy smirked.

"That reckless girl." Sana chuckled as she ate.

Meanwhile up stairs the girl was on her phone slowly making her way down to eat. She was on Instagram seeing pictures of Sana and the baseball team. The girl scratched her head and sighed shaking her head. "Why does my cousin have to be such a jock?" she muttered, walking down the stairs.

Sana innocently sat at the table eating, her father was mixing his coffee while Mina walked into the kitchen and smiled. "Good morning, uncle." she said while grabbing the plate.

"Good morning, Mina." The guy smirked, and she sighed. "Did you fall down again?"

"Hey at least the fall woke me up." The girl defensively raised her hands.

Sana had a slight smirk, Mina turned to her glaring because she knew the girl will tease. "Didn't catch a fish?"

"Did you catch a fish? or did you play with it and threw it away?" Mina shot back, Sana licked her lips and chuckled.

Sana usually flirts with girls at school, and dates them for awhile and dumps them right away. It was her reputation.

"Touché, Myoui." Sana continued to eat her food.

"So what are you plans today my girls?"

The two looked at each other, Sana nodded for her to go first. Mina shrugged her shoulders. "Momo, the others and I are rehearsing for the big event." Mina shrugged. "Also, I'll be helping with the school council-since I'm a member." She shrugged. "Sana?"

The girl swallowed her food, turning to them innocently. "I'll also be at the school council meeting because my team and I have to attend." She sighed and shrugged. "Afterwards I'll be practicing with them. What about you, Dad?"

"Work as usual." The guy took a sip of his coffee. "Meeting with some company's and then I'll be home late."

"I see." Sana said with a smile, placing another bacon into her mouth. Mina rolled her eyes at the girl playing innocent.

After they were finished eating the two walked out of the house, making their way to school. Sana was on her phone looking at her tags she recently was tagged in. Mina kept moving the girl to the right spot to walk, she knew that Sana's life was baseball and her phone.

Mina sighed, which caught Sana's attention so she put her phone away and looked at the girl curiously.

"What's bothering you my cousin?" She asked, paying attention to her cousin that is more like a sister.

"I'm literally tired of your reputation and that you play so innocent around uncle and the family." Mina said, crossing her arms while glaring. "Do you ever consider the girl's feelings?"

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