Walking out of the bedroom I grab the ends of the sleeves, wrap them around my hands, and of the sweater and head to the kitchen.


We end up sitting on a bench in a park. Children are playing in the snow, building snowmen and having miniature snowball fights. Their winter attire keep them from freezing. I can hear them laughing and shouting.

Tom sits next to me, with his hand entwined with mine. Our clove,covered hands rest on his lap. We both hold hot chocolate in our other hands.

Tom stares down at me and I awkwardly stare off into the distance and try not to look at him too.

"What do you find so interesting on my face?" I ask, still watching the children play. I blow into the foam cup, trying to cool the hot chocolate and take a small sip.

"When you get cold," Tom begins,"Your cheeks get rosy and your nose gets bright red."

I try looking down at my face, "They used to call me Rudolph."

Rom snickers. I look up at him and notice his face, too, is red but especially his ears, "You're no different."

Tom raises an eyebrow, "How?

"Your ears," I say and point my nose up to his ears.

We sit in sience then, drinking our hot chocolate, slowly, as not to burn our mouths. I rest my head on his shoulder and lean into his side. He engulfs me with holis arms and I feel warmer.

"Let's go someplace you wat to go," I break the silence.

"Why?" Tom asks.

"Because it's your birthday," I explain.

Tom smiles and looks at me with his heart melting blye eyes, "The only place I need to be is with you."

I can feel my cheeks get red, "Aw, way to be a romantic Tom."We both laugh.

"No, but seriously," I say.

I can feel Tom shrug, "Well, I have lived here and been to a lot of places. You haven't, so I'll let you expirence,them," Tom answers.

"But, I'm here because of your birthday," I proclaim.

"And that's the best gift," Tom tells me.

I roll my eyes at his juicy romantic lines, and nd he knows I'm doing it, "But, you paid for me to come here."

"Exactly," Tom laughs, "I just wabted to see you."

His arms fold around me tighter and this time I know he isn't just saying a cheesy line.


(Tom's POV):

I practically make a fool out of myslef by almost burning the pancakes. I am too preoccupied to focus. I'm smiling like a loon and cannot stop.

Astrid's footsteps patter into thr kitchen. I turn to her. My black sweater drowning her. Her hair is a tad messy, but thats okay. She smiles at me sleepily.

"Whatcha' making," she asks. She walks to my side and looks at the pancakes I just flipped.

"Your favorite," I smile.

Astrid moves to a diferent counter, one that is cleaned off, and pushes herself up, to sit on it.

Leaning on the counter next to the stove, I look at her. She swings her feet so that dangle in the air and she leans back on her hands.

"That isn't very sanitary," I joke.

She rolls her eyes and lets out a laugh, "Then come clean it off."

I smile greedily, "One moment, love."

I turn away and quickly and take off the pancakes from the stove. The memory of last night pops into my mind once again.


It's dark outside. Since noon we have been out and about, sight seeing and eatting food. The moon shines bright and the air temperature has plummeted. Astrid hugs herself with her arms pulled to her chest and I wrap one arm around her as if to protect her from the cold.

My frozen fingers unlock the front door and we hurry inside.

Astrid shivers, "burrrrrrr."

I begin t o take off my winter jacket, "How is this yourr favorite season?"

Astrid laughs, "I have no clue."

She holds up her fingers to examen them. Her cheeks, nose, ears, and fingers are all bright red. Her lips are turning blue and her teeth chatter. I walk over to her and embrace her in a tight hug.

"Your freezing," I say into her cold hair.

Her hands grab onto my shirt and she shivers inside my hug. I move my hands up and down her back to create some heat. I pull away.

"Give me your hands," I order. she does.

I blow into them and rub them to try to get them to their normal color.

Astrid smiles, "Warm up my face."

I look deep into her eyes and hesitate, but, my hands wrap around her,hedks and I bring her lips to mine. They're cold but sweet and warm at the same time. Her hands find my neck as I pull her closer to me. Eventually my hands move down her back and I trap her against the wall.

"Tom," Astrid gasps.

We are both breathing heavily but I don't need to catch my breath to say, "I love you."

Astrid's eyes widen, "Tom. I-I."

I cut he off with anotber kiss but she pulls away again, "I didn't think I was going do this."

I stare at her, "Do what?"

She looks down at our bodies, no space between them, "Give you your birthday present."

I get the hint.


(Astrid's POV):

After putting the pancakes on a plate and abandoning them, Tom wraps his arms around my waist. We both smile at eachother and I kiss his lips. His hands pulls my body closer to him and as I sit on the table, I wrap my legs around his y eye slcose when I feel Tom's soft lips dance across my neck.

"Tom," I whisper.

"Hmm," I can hear Tom reply, his face still buried in my neck.

I pull him away, his eyes look concered and confused.

"Astrid," Tom asks, his face close to mine.

I smile at him reassuringly and I shake my head, "You know last night?"

"Yes," Tom nods "It was amazing."

I grin, "Yes, yes it was. But, you know that three worded phrase you told me?"

Tom's blue eyes light up at the mention of this, "Very I meant every word."

I blush. I put my shaky hands on his shoulders, "Well, I had one little problem with that."

Tom's eye brow goes up in cknfusion and curiosity.

"You never gave me the time to say it back."

Smiles spread across our faces. I pull him on for another kiss, then between breaths, I whisper, "I love you too."


Welllll!?!?! How'd you like?

Tell me your thoughts in the comments, and also just a random question for y'all ...what are your other fandoms??? You don't gotta answer just wonderin.

Thanks for reading and the almost 10 k that's exciting!

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