No Me Sueltes

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     I am so glad because me and my cousin Sarah are going to the Dominican Republic for a couples trip. Me with my now as of 6 months husband Joel, and her with her boyfriend Richard. Sarah and I have always wanted to go there. So for a couples trip for the fourth of July we are going. And it gives Richard an excuse to go see family. And well as for my husband, he needs a vacation. He has been working a lot lately. They just out out of a tour, a small one, but still long. I should know, all the nights spent in the tub listening to sad romantic songs with a bottle of wine, it says something. And I didn't even use a glass, nope drank straight out of the bottle. Besides meant one less thing to wash.

So right now we just got off of the plane and we are on our way to a hotel.

As my cousin and I enter my room we act like we're 15 again and we just squeal and jump up and down. I look to my husband and Richard who just shake their head. I walk over to Joel he hugs me. I smile.

     "Guys, like seriously, thank you!!!!" Sarah says. Richard just laughs and give her a peck.

     "Come one mama, we need to check out our room," Joel and I immediately groans.

     "Aye por favor, no digas eso cochino!" I exclaim and he grabs Sarah's hand. Once they close the door Joel spins me around to our lips are just inches apart.

     "Looks like they've got the right idea," Joel says. I giggle as he picks me up bridal style.

~Two hours after~

After Joel and I took a shower and changed. He went to get the others as I did my makeup. As I put on my lipstick, they all come in.

     "Flacaaaaaaaa," I hear Sarah call.

     "In here gorda!" As I put on my lipstick Sarah enters the room. I instantly hype her up. She is wearing shorts with a tank top that makes her boobs look great, and a flannel on her waist.

     "Yes gorda! Mira la que chula te ves. I love it," I get up and spin her around.

     "Aye pero have you seen yourself? Hot!!" I smile and pretend to strut as if I was on the runway. 

A few minutes later Sarah and I enter the living room, Joel and Richard immediately start to wolf whistle. Without any communication Sarah and I both drop down to the floor. Once we get up and start twerking. We last for about 5 seconds, before we burst out laughing. I give Joel a small kiss and we head out. 

~After Dinner~

As I unlock the door to Sarah and Richard's room, I sigh and take off my heels. 

     "Guys, I got a food coma. Don't expect to see until like next year." 

     "Girl, same here. I'm so full," Sarah says. Richard laughs. 

     "Bro, are you not full? I know I am," Joel says.

     "Nope, not in the slightest." 

     "Damn fatass." I joke. 

Richard lets out a mixture of a scoff and a grunt. "Rude." 

I smile a blow a kiss. 

     "We should watch something," Sarah suggests.

     "Like what?" She turns to me a smirks. Richard and Joel groan. We all know the answer. They defiantly do not want to watch it. They hate it, but I know that they study it. I know because Sarah tells me when Richard tried something new. And I know Joel studies it, because well I was there. (hehe, wish this would happen to me, with Joel. Or Tom Holland, whichever is perfectly fine.)

     "Magic Mike,"Sarah and I both say in unison. We look at each other. "XL." 

     "Noooo," Richard moans.

     "Whyyyy?" Joel moans. 

     "Because, we want to, and you guys love us, so we will watch it." 

     "Fine," Richard groans. Sarah laughs and gives him a kiss. Joel and I both get up and get the snacks. As I put in the popcorn, Joel gets the other snacks. 

     "Babe?" I call out to him. 

     "Yeah?" He walks toward me. I turn around and place the popcorn down on the counter.

     "Thank you," I tell him. 

     "Hey, what my wife wants to watch, she will." I smile and cup his cheek.

     "No, not that, well that but thank you for making this trip possible. I know we just got here, but it's already been the best. Really thank you, we all need this. In our own way." Joel smiles and kisses me. Once we pull away I hug him and put the popcorn in. Once I put it in separate bowls I go over to them. 

     "Alright, press play," I say.

~Hey guys! Oh my lord, finally, it feels so good to write. I haven't been inspired lately. But I think the fact that I GET TO SEE CNCO TOMORROW is changing it. All thanks to my amazing cousin. And the fact that yesterday was Valentine's Day and it was a shitty day for me, so I thought of this. Anyways @sarahapg  heres your story. Hope your guys day was a lot better then mine!~

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