Hey Dj

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I step away from the dance floor and make my way to the bar stand across the salon. I'm at my cousin's quince and I need a drink. I go over and ask for a gin and tonic. I don't ming saying $20 as long as I get my drink. I turned 21 two months ago I don't drink much but when I do I can hold it, I'm no lightweight. I have been drinking since I was 17 and I'm Latina, we know how to hold our alcohol. As I pull out a $20 bill from my clutch a hand goes to my arm.

"I got this." A guy's voice says. I smirk as I bring the cup to my lips. The oldest trick in the book. Paying for a woman's drink. I look up at the man who is paying. He cute, I thought.

"Thanks," I say as I take a drink.

"Yeah no problem." He says. There was an uncomfortable silence, I break it.

"So you related to patty?" I ask, patty is the quinceañera.

"Oh no, I'm a family friend."

"Cool." I say, I was going to say more but then I was caught off guard by what he said next.

"Your gorgeous." He says flat-out.

I blushed, "Oh um thank you," I've been called beautiful, sexy but never gorgeous. I know I have curves, I'm proud of it and I show it.

"No problem."

Then I hear my favorite song play, gasolina by Daddy Yankee. I turn to the stranger.

"You wanna dance?" I ask. I have curves I defiantly move it. He's cute so why not?


I put my drink down and grab his hand and pull him to the dance floor. And move it, I'm surprised that he can too. Boy can he dance. I comment on it.

"Thanks you can too."

"What do you mostly dance?" I ask.


"Wow I'm impressed. I love bachata, but I'm not that impressed. Maybe I will be once you show me. Go tell the dj to put some on and I'll see how impressive it is."

He walk to the dj and does that guy nod, saying hey dj I need a favor. He goes over to him and says something quickly, the dj nods. As he walks back to me Deja Vu starts playing. I bit my lip. Damn he's good. As he walks up to me I give him my hand and we dance. It wasn't until like the middle something occurred to me.

"What's your name?" I ask



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