Some Things Weren't Meant To Be

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A flower bloomed already wilting. Beginning its life with an early ending

                       ~R.J. Gonzales


Cameras are off


"Whooo!" Courtney, Gwen, Bridgette, And LeShawna cheered, jumping up and down as they had just won yet another challenge. It had been a week since they began their "girl power" team, and this was their second win in a row.

"Wow, were really kicking ass this season!" Gwen smirked as her and her team took a seat in the dining hall with their fellow campmates.

"I know," Courtney agreed. "But we still have a month to go."

"And what about Sierra, Lindsay, and Izzy? They're on different teams than us," Bridgette pointed out worriedly.

"True, but...just think about it," she giggled. "At least we have someone on our side. And hopefully when it comes down to it, they'll let us win and we'll split the money."

Before anyone could object, Duncan slid next to Courtney, draping an arm around her shoulder, and planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "Congrats on kicking my team's ass today."

"Why thank you," she replied teasingly, bopping his nose.

"Court," The delinquent whined. "You know I hate that."

"Well I think it's adorable."

"Hey girls!" Sierra chirped, sitting across from them. Duncan cleated his throat. "Oh! And, um...Duncan," she corrected with a laugh.

Courtney ignored her, continuing to think about what they needed to do to win he next challenge, which wasn't for another couple days, but it was better safe than sorry. She glanced at the table across the room and saw Mike, Zoey, Cameron, Heather, and Alejandro all sitting together. Ugh! If Zoey would just join, that would be great, she thought. But much as they tried to get her to, she wouldn't, even though Heather kept insisting she was fine with it and she didn't care. After all, it's not like she needed someone else's help to win. She had already proved that in World Tour. Plus, she always uses people to get where she wants to go. Could Zoey seriously be falling for that?

"Courtney!" Gwen's vice interrupted her thoughts. The brunette blinked a couple times.


"You need to hurry up and finish your food. Remember the party boat?"

Her eyes widened. "Oh yeah!" Since their team won, they got to spend a couple hours on a luxurious party boat, eat dessert, drink wine, and listen to music. "Duncan," Courtney looked at her boyfriend. "I'll see you later tonight." She leaned down and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.

"See ya, Princess. Have fun!"

"Will do!" She winked, blowing a kiss in his direction. Bridgette, LeShawna and Gwen all made sure to let their boyfriends know as well before heading out to the dock.

Meanwhile, Heather laughed from the other table. "A party boat, really? I hope it sinks."

"Don't worry about them," Zoey smiled. "We can all have fun on our own. Besides, it's not like we could have any of the wine."

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