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A/n- Ok, just so you guys know, I have skipped a few challenges in order to move the story along. This is set about another four weeks from the last chapter.

*Don't worry, I will let you all know how many points each team has in total at the end of this book-we are still a few chapters from the end, though ;) (As in less than 10, but more than 5)

Oh, yeah, and WARNING: There is another steamy scene in this chapter that may or may not be a little more explicit than the last one. A.K.A., this is basically a filler chapter and an excuse to write more Aleheather trash ;)

*This chapter is kind of in honor of National Women's Month...I guess? More towards the end though😂

Cameras are off


"This is not worth any points, but it's definitely worth a laugh," Chris told Chef as they ate breakfast in his mansion.

The cook squinted questioningly. "Is it really?"

"Just think about it: all the girls in one cabin and all the guys in the other. And the best part is, they'll have no idea that the cameras are on! So they'll spill all of there juiciest secrets!"

"Not sure if they have anything else to spill..." Chef muttered.

"What was that I heard? Oh! The sound of you living in a cardboard box because I fired you!"

"Fine!" He threw his hands up in defense. "But don't come whinin' to me if the footage doesn't show nothin'!" This man has seriously ran out of ideas.


"...What about Antonio?"

"Ew! No!"

"Why not?"

"Because there was this guy named Antonio in middle school that liked me!"

"And when was the last time you saw him?"

"...Like...almost ten years ago?"


"Alejandro," the Asian woman groaned.

"Heather..." the Spaniard imitated with the same energy.

She glared at him before speaking again. "And what if it's a girl?"

"Well, it's most likely going to be a boy."

" And why is that?"

"Simply because I said so," he finished smugly. "Now quit being so picky about names."

"I am not being picky!"

"Oh yeah? How do you feel about the name Abcde?"

A/n- I looked it up, and it was actually a name😶I guess it would be cool because no one would ever get you confused with anything else except for the beginning of the alphabet😂



"That's the damn alphabet, Alejandro!" Heather crossed her arms. "You obviously did that just to make me say no!"

"Ok, then," her fiancé replied. "What do you suggest, then?"

"I like Alexandra for a girl and Hussein for a boy."

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