He furrowed his eyebrows. "Hussein? Really? I'm fine with the girl one, but no, the boy needs to have a name that begins with the same letter as mine."

"Alexandra already begins with yours idiot!"

"Well then change the girl one to Hannah or something."

"Hannah is too basic of name!"

A/n- If your name is Hannah, I am so sorry! I think Hannah's a lovely name, but Heather doesn't in this story😂

"Ugh," Heather fell back onto the bed. "I have a headache now, thanks to you."

Alejandro opened his mouth to argue back, when he realized that it would only make things worse. He sighed. "Do you need anything?"

"No," she shook her head. "Just some rest." For the past few days, Heather had been waking up in the middle of the night to vomit in the communal bathrooms, and more than once every morning, too. She remembered talking to Zoey about how her morning sickness started getting really bad, and she was only one week ahead of Heather. Apparently, 9 weeks is when it hits you the worst. And Heather couldn't argue with that, considering her bathroom 'adventures' recently.

Although she'd never admit it, she was beyond thankful for her help when it came to pregnancy. Since Heather had never bothered to do any research before going to the island, Zoey was there to tell her what to expect, for she had overdone it on the research. She would constantly talk about how she would finally be able to get an ultrasound in two more months, and that they should go together to get one, but Heather refused, thinking it was stupid idea.

"You know," Alejandro started, rubbing her arm comfortingly. "We don't have to worry about names just yet. You sill have 7 more months to go."

"Yeah, but Zoey and Mike have already picked out a name for a boy and girl," Heather pouted.


"And I want to call it something! It just feels weird calling the baby just 'baby' or 'buddy' or 'pequeño,' or...whatever else you call it."

"Then we need to come up with a name we can agree on. And it needs to be gender-neutral too."

"Alright," she sighed. "How about...Alex? It starts with the first letter of your name and it's short for Alexandra or Alexander."

Alejandro smiled, leaned down, and planted a light kiss on Heather's forehead. "It's perfect, mi ángel." He then placed a hand on her slightly swollen stomach. Alex, tu madre y yo te amamos mucho."

Heather giggled, although she only understood about two or three words. "Translation, please? You spoke too fast."

"I said," he kissed her lips, and slowly pulled away, eyes halfway shut. "Alex, your mother and I love you so much." His fiancé smiled, cupping his face and crashing her lips onto his. Alejandro climbed above her on his knees, not breaking the kiss.

Heather removed her hands from his face and slowly reached down to unbuckle his belt. Doing all this while still kissing her, Alejandro grabbed her hand and placed it on his shoulder.

"Wh-What are you doing?" She pulled away, confused. He simply smirked at her flushed face.

"You first, mi amor." He leaned back down and kissed right below her jawline, giving her love bites.

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