I smiled, " Of course, you know where your things are , you plug up the game if you would like, the party is almost over."

He grinned, " Thanks Lily, can we have a movie night when everyone leaves?"

I nodded, " You know it bud."

He smiled and ran off. 

Cole usually spends his weekends over here and I don't mind, I think he gets bored all by himself now. I have a spare bedroom in the  apartment which is pretty much Cole's room. 

I cleaned off the table and noticed that I had frosting all over my shirt. I shook my head and went to my room to get changed. Perks of being a mom.

I walked inside my room and I didn't really have much but my bed which is mighty comfortable, my closet, a t.v, my bathroom, and some of Lyla's toys which reappears every time I clean my room.

I walked to my closet and grabbed a t- shirt. I looked up and saw the box. That box contains letters, pictures, things that I held onto. I opened the box and saw a picture of Hunter and I. I sat on my bed and just start thinking. Thinking what life would of been like if Hunter would have never joined the army, or if we would at least  had more time together before that incident. 

I broke down crying. I would never cry in front of Lyla because I didn't want her to sense something was wrong. Hunter is the love of my life and to think about that day when the officers came and told me the news, I couldn't handle it. Still can't. 

I saw a picture with all three of us and turned the picture around. It said, "To my girls, I love you both so much and I will continue to fight for us. I love you my babies."  I put the picture away and noticed  the promise ring in the box. I looked at my finger and thought about the day when Hunter said he promised to turn this ring to a wedding ring. Well he kept that promise. 1 year down. 

I heard a knock on my door and I hurried and wiped my face, " Come in."

" Hey sweet pea."

It was my mom, " Hey mom, what's up?"

She shook her head and sat next to me, " Nothing much, just wondering why the host isn't hosting."

I chuckled, " Lyla got my shirt messed up so I came in here to change."

She looked down at my lap and smirked, " Oh the famous box."

I laughed, " The one and only."

" Well I think you should put that away before your husband sees it, you know he hates that box."

I chuckled, " Well he would have to get over it."

" Lets go."


" Bitchhh. When are we going clubbing."

Will is back and even more crazier. 

 Christian rolled his eyes, " Babe stop cussing in front of my bestie."

Yup you read that right, Will and Christian finally got together which we all seen that coming. Christian actually had the balls to ask Will out and of course Will played hard to get but he came around. They been together for about 2 years and they argue every single day! But still make up.

" Oh Christian shush, you are just mad because we didn't invite you." 

" Whatever, I will find another place and maybe even take home someone."

Will snorted, " Baby, you are NOT that stupid."

Christian knew he wasn't actually going to do something like that but it was funny to him getting under Will's skin.

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