Chapter 17//Troye

Start from the beginning

This statement makes me so happy. I mean I obviously know he likes me but hearing it being said makes it a hundred times better. This is so cheesy but I don't even give half a fuck.

"I really like you too, Austin James." I say and my voice is slightly muffled by his chest. "Now go do your homework." I say sternly letting go of him so that he'll actually leave to do his homework. As much as I want to spend time with him I want him to do well in school. If he doesn't do well in school he can't play football and football is Austin's favorite thing in the world.

"I'll see you tomorrow." he says quickly ducking down to kiss my cheek before he runs off. I stand there with a scrunched up face for a few seconds before I head into my building. I walk up to my room not even hesitating in the over crowded room. I walk into my room and find Connor watching what sounds like Pitch Perfect.

"Troye you should go out to the tree house. Tyler looked upset when he came in here to get the key." Connor looks really serious so I don't question him and walk back the way I came then run to the tree house. Okay I'm kind of worried about Tyler. Why is he upset? I hope I'm not the reason though that'd be perfectly logical.

"Tyler?" I ask as I step into the dark tree house. I flip on a light and I see him sitting there with tear covered cheeks wrapped up in Connor's blanket. He doesn't respond until I sit down next to him. He leans into my shoulder starting to snuggle up before pulling back like he'd been shocked.

"You smell like him..." he says and the tears start rolling down his face again. Okay what the fuck is going on? Why is Tyler bawling over Austin? I understand that's it's hard to see your first love with someone else but I pegged Tyler for stronger than this. Plus it's been like three years since they were a thing.

"Tyler wants wrong?" He doesn't respond trying to get as far away from me as possible. He doesn't want to smell Austin on me. This obviously has something to do with him and I having a feeling that this doesn't involve me. "Tyler I can't comfort you if you won't tell me why your upset."

"Its August 31." he replies after several minutes pulling himself together slightly. He sniffles and I try to figure out the significance of this date. My best guess is that this is the day that he and Austin became a couple. I shed my jumper hoping that my shirt doesn't smell like Austin too. I pull Tyler into my arms and he settles there sniffling.

"This is the day that you and him became a thing back when you two were freshman, isn't? You didn't realize it until you were left alone." he nods into my shoulder and I tighten my arms around him. "He was a lucky guy if he had you. I don't know what went down between you two but it's definitely something that has had a long lasting effect on both of you. I don't see why he would let you go. I wouldn't." The last two words are spoken softly so that if he wasn't really listening to me he wouldn't hear it. He doesn't react to my last two words only the early ones.

"Our past is a bit complicated I'll tell you about it some other time." I push him down on the couch so that he's lying down and then I copy the position he's in. I cuddle up behind him and Tyler gives me some of the blanket. I play with Tyler's lilac locks as we continue to talk quietly to each other. I talk about things that will keep his mind off Austin. At one point Tyler asks me if I'll just sing to him and his voice sounds so tired and sad that I don't have a second thought about his request. I sing to him softly until I feel his breathing even out. I cuddle closer to him and fall asleep thinking sarcastically: Well this is totally platonic.

I wake up to the sound of Connor's voice only to have a pillow thrown in my face two seconds later. I open my eyes and realise that my arms are wrapped around someone and that I'm in the tree house. Fuck I'm fell asleep cuddling Tyler again. Being platonic friends with him is working out so fucking great. Ugh why do I have to care so much.

"Troyler get up. You two need to shower and get ready. It's six thirty right now get up." Connor says loudly and I can feel Tyler stirring in my arms. I pull my arms away from Tyler and fly out of the door. I walk back to my dorm to get the stuff I need for a quick shower. I don't waste anytime heading to the shower as soon as I have everything I need.

There is a lot of people in the showers but I manage to get one with out having to wait to long. I try to shower quickly not really wanting to have to look at Tyler right now. I need to stop doing stuff that leads him on like that. It's not fair to him or Austin. A big smile creeps onto my face as I think about him. I spray my hair so that it will stay in place then I'm ready for breakfast.

I check my phone seeing a good morning text from Austin. Aw he is so fucking cute. It's seven fifteen by this time and I'm walking back to my dorm to put my things away before heading to breakfast. Connor is waiting for me alone when I arrive. I put the books I need into my bag then Connor follows me out of the door.

"So I heard you're going to the game tomorrow and that you're wearing Austin Moore's jersey." Connor says once we sit down in our usual spot. I can see Austin smiling at me from a few tables over and I return the sweet smile before I turn back to Connor to answer him.

"Both of those things are true." I say filling my plate with waffles and fruit. Connor raises an eyebrow and I know exactly why. He knows how much I hate sports.

"But you hate sports and big crowds. Gosh you must really like him." Connor says putting a bit of waffle into his mouth. He chews slowly and I give him a dirty look as he washes his bite down with some apple juice.

"He's a persuasive person. I didn't really want to go but he convinced me." Connor nods his facial expression tells me th a the doesn't believe me at all. I guess that is partially lying because I do like Austin a lot.

"So it's tradition that the people who won the tree house have a drink during the bonfire. So meet us up there right after the game." Connor says and I nod at him. I've never really had alcohol other than a sip of my dad's beer once or twice. I didn't much like the taste of it. Maybe the wine will be better. Usually the tree house people show up drunk to the bonfire. Hmm drunk Tronnler. That sounds like it might be a bit of fun.

Connor and I continue to talk until we finish eating then I walk out of the dining hall to find Austin. I see him standing in front of the math hall with his back go me. His last name is very noticeable in our maroon and gold school colors. I throw my arms around his waist when I reach him. He looks down at my arms then rubs his hands over them.

"Hey there, gorgeous." he says and I rest my head against his back feeling the blush creeping onto my cheeks. He is so sweet and amazing. I let go of him and we walk into the math hall knowing that class starts soon. We stop outside the door to our classroom and Austin is looking down at me with a huge smile. "So are you going to show up to the bonfire drunk tomorrow? Because I would love to see that." I slap his chest making him laugh out loud. Does he really think that I would do that? Does he really think that I'm the kind of kid that gets drunk on campus? Or at all for that matter.

"No, you jerk." you can hear in my voice that I'm not really angry. He laughs at my attempt to sound angry at him and damn his laugh is gorgeous. It's one of those laughs that you could listen to for hours and never get tired of it.

"I know your not th a kind of kid, Troye Sivan." he says to me cupping one side of my jaw in one of his hands. His thumb trails over my cheek and my face heats up. The bell rings and Austin jumps away from me and races into the classroom. I follow him inside and take my place next to a blank looking Tyler.



Hey how did you guys like this chapter? Lots of cute Troystin and a little bit of Troyler going on. I may not be updating until I get WiFi at my new house (which should be Thursday). That means you may get more than one chapter. I can't wait to write the game and the bonfire!!!!! If you like any part of this chapter please:


Btw I think I'm going to start answering you guys more often because I had so much fun doing it last time. Any ideas are welcomed!!

I love you little cutie cutie pumpkin pies.

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