Chapter 6 - Pride Friends

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When they walked into the house a number of the pride greeted them and showed them to the office Raven and Leo were sharing. Paula closed the door before going and giving both a good hug, "You have our deepest sympathy. We're here to talk to you and explain certain things about Senka Eden's. Will you listen?"

Both stood and returned the hugs before waving them to a couch and sitting across from them, "Please explain what you need to. Leo's told me what he knows but have your say and if needed I'll ask questions." Obviously Raven wasn't happy and it showed in her tone of voice.

Paula sighed, "When a Senka Eden comes into the world it's for a specific purpose. For us it was to help with the unification of the world. We don't know why but it's vital. We started them and then stopped them. Once a Senka Eden's purpose is over we essentially retire. It doesn't mean we can't use the world threads, only when it comes to family and friends. Your children are our friends but Jace and Danal are fulfilling their purpose. We don't know what it is and it's bringing in a new generation of people. Not knowing how much Leo told you but we saved Sulong though we didn't know why and the same with the Admiral."

She took a sip of a drink she called to her, "Looking back we can make guesses. Sulong is giving Mila more support than you can understand. Not as a mate, but almost as a grandfather. Admiral Adams needed to be here to teach your children and he did very well." She finally stopped talking and waited to see what Raven might have to say.

Raven was giving both of them hard looks before she sighed, "I'm not happy at the moment but I have restrictions of my own at times in what I can do. If you wish to stay, your rooms are still available." She gave them a hard look since she had a feeling it was something they'd done since she'd just thought about it.

Baraf grinned at her, "Don't bother asking, we did. It wasn't for any other reason than Jace and Danal spent a great deal of time here. If you doin't think it would be a problem, could we see the others and their kittens? We'd also like to say hello to Gladys and Nacy's family." He wasn't going to push but there were small changes they could make.

"How could we say no? You took good care of Jace and Danal. The others have mentioned they were wanting to see you. Mila's in one of the smaller lounges. After the retirement she ended up in her rooms for several day and just came out."

She showed them out and to the small lounge. She had a feeling it was so she wouldn't be overwhelmed and wouldn't have to look at the certificates which'd been hung in the central lounge. Too many of the Pride would walk in and see them and yowl.

Paula walked over and touched Mila's cheek. Her eyes were closed as she was nursing Leo, "Hey Mila, she's a lovely kitten." She had to look up when Sulong was bitten by Raven and muttered at her.

"Damn child quit bitting me. I'm going to get an armored finger guard and you can chew on that." He looked up and gave both Baraf and Paula a nod. He'd eventually learned it was their fault he damn near left a mess in his shorts. Right as he sat down on the pot there'd been an explosion from a mortar where he'd been standing, "Long time since we last saw each other."

Mila looked up at Paula before giving Sulong and Raven a slight smile, "She's just letting you she loves you."

Paula grinned, "And she instinctively knows that when you get bitten it makes Mila smile. She's beautiful." She touched Leo's face, "All five of the kittens are lovely though you're going to be pulling your hair out until they've grown. I'm sure your mom can tell you all about it with Holcum. I know my children made me want to scream a few times."

Mila blinked for a moment, "How old are they? From what I understand they aren't Senka Edens right?" She wasn't sure why it'd never occurred to her they'd have children.

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