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It was Eric

'Im impressed by your level of understanding and i hope you have no hard feelings about this' he said

'Hard feelings about what' i said

'About this room. It's all fake guns they're just toys. We run a child's toy store as well as a date Base of software and computers' he said

'I just stumbled acrossed it because of the papers you had gave me' i said and i gave him the papers and he smiled

'You can take the whole day off. I want you here tomorrow at 9 am sharp' he said and i nodded

'IM STILL OUTSIDE' Victoria yelled and i jumped

'Are you ok' he asked

'Yeah my leg hurts' i said

'LEAVE THE BUILDING' Alec yelled but I completely ignored him and went back to my desk, took some random papers and headed for Erics office

'Eric is not in his office' 2 military men stopped me


'I need to drop these papers off, I'll be quick' i said and they opened the door and let me in but watching eveything move

I put the papers on his desk and pretened to fall and play the good girl


I saw the keys on his desk and quickly shoved them up my sleeve when try weren't looking and left

'Thank you gentlemen' i said and i walked out and i ran for the elevator and when the elevator got to the bottom floor i literally ran out of the building into Victoria's car

'I WANT MY PIZZAAAAAA' i yelled taking off the neck device thingy

'Come home first gheez' Elijah said and i laughed and i took off the suit and the stupid mask ; Victoria had a change of spare clothes for me and i changed in the car

In a world like this god knows whose watching

It's either kill or get killed

I had put on my trianers that Victoria very nicely bought me and she pulled up the house

We walked in and Elijah got my glasses and pulled out an SD card from it and put it into the computer and i took a slice of pizza and started eating it


'So when Bree went to the 6th floor. They have sunroofs. We can easily just jump through there. Especially at night. And since Bree's stupid but funny ass stunt. We have the keys to hyperion' Elijah said

'We can just go tonight' i said

'We jump in  through the sun roofs. And then since we have the keys we go into Erics office, disable all the cameras then download all his stupid shit into a hard drive. Take videos of all of his illegal shit and leak them. Hyperion will the officially be shut down' i said and everyone looked at me shocked

'What' i said

'How did you think of that' Tafara said

'It's the pizza dude' i said

'I guess we're going tonight. Everybody get packed' Diego said

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