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Uncle Rick hugged my neck scolded me for giving Trey such a hard time about the orders he was given and told me to stay put. Of course I didn't listen I knew things were about to get started and I needed to know the details.

Uncle Rick only gave me a small glance as he started talking with the other wolves. As they talked I counted and was quite pleased with the ending numbers. Jeff had stuck to his word there were twenty eight wolves not including himself and Uncle Rick had managed to shove twenty five in three vehicles which I still was yet to understand how that was possible.

You had your big men and then you had your big wolves and we looked like we were getting ready for the strongest man competition with all this muscle. In total we had fifty eight wolves oh and me I counted to so fifty nine. There was no way that Larkin had that many here. If I could do my part they would do theirs.

"So does everybody understand?" Nope wasn't listening I was counting

Uncle Rick turned to me "I still don't like the idea of you going in there alone but Trey seems to think you won't budge on the matter."

"And Trey would be right." Uncle Rick to a frustrated breath

"Fine but if you see any sign of danger I want you out of there understood." I nodded "Get in there access the situation and flip the switch twice I don't think we will be out numbered so I am suggestion that we go in human form try to keep this as clean as possible I don't want to have a blood bath on my hands. If they surrender let them if they fight do what ya have to do to stay alive."

"Larkin is all mine" I looked over at Derrick if he was under control I didn't want to see him when he wasn't

"I need him alive Derrick I have already spoken with Gabriel and he wants to talk to him. He is keeping this between us until in the morning but he will alert the council in just a few hours." Once again I was out of the loop everyone around me nodded as if they understood what would happen when the council found out I was just wondering who in the hell the council even was.

"Who's the council?"

"Let's just say you never want to be on their radar and a move like this is definitely going to put us on it." Trey was a lot of things but I never knew him to be scared of someone but I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Which is why Larkin is better off dead a dead man can't lie to the council" Derrick's voice sounded more animal than human and I wasn't the only one that noticed it.

"That was less of a suggestion and more of an order. The only way any one is allowed to kill him is if he leaves them no other choice is that understood?" Derrick nodded as he growled something that might have sound like a word.

Tension was building and the longer we waited the worse it would become. "Fine as long as Larkin plays nice so will everybody else but we are out of time."

Uncle Rick turned toward me "Are you sure there isn't another way to do this one that want have you running back to the one we are trying to protect you from?" I was sure if we had more time we could come up with something better but time was not on our side.

"No this is the only way." Uncle Rick leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Use the gun if you have to you are the only one allowed to shoot Larkin before he gives you a reason." Its not like I hadn't shot him before and he survived.

"Yes sir" I smiled a Trey and looked over at Derrick but the eyes looking back at me where not Derricks they were all wolf. I let my eyes linger on his for minute then I turned for the house.

Wolf Kept SecretWhere stories live. Discover now