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"Arianna I can't believe how good you are at this. Are you sure you haven't been hanging out down here without anyone knowing?" Trey was right I was a natural at this it was fun and massive stress reliever.

"We have only been down here for a little over three hours and you are doing amazing but maybe we should call it a night. I am starving and I am pretty sure we've missed supper." Leave it up to a man to worry about food while I was trying to learn how to protect myself.

"Fine but I want you to promise we will pick it up tomorrow." Trey laughed as he placed his arm around my shoulders and dug his knuckles into the top of my head. "Stop Trey" I managed to say between laughs "You know I hate when you do that."

Trey and I both laughed as I fought to keep him from messing up my hair any worse than he had already. I was losing the fight so I punched him in his side. Trey stumbled back coughing "Oh god Trey I am sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard." Trey stopped coughing and stared at me blankly like he was waiting on something else to happen. "Trey are you okay?" I didn't like the way he was looking at me

"Sorry I really didn't mean to hurt you." Trey pulled away from the wall with a look of confusion on his face. Derrick must have misunderstood the look because he stepped in front of me. Which was funny the one person in this room I would never need protection from was Trey.

I tried to step around Derrick but he held out his arm "Trey you need to Control yourself." I peaked over Derricks shoulder to watch as Trey's features changed and he started laughing.

"Chill suit I just can't understand how my baby cousin could send a punch like that."

"Maybe it's because I aint no baby. You have been gone for too long I was forced to do a lot of growing up." Wow I hadn't meant for that to come out the way it did or did I. I had been hurt when Trey left but I always kept it to myself he wasn't doing anything that I didn't want to do. I guess the problem was he was doing it without me. "Let's just head up stairs it's been a long day."

"Not yet I want to talk to you Derrick do you think you could give us a minute?" Yeah when hell froze over Derrick was on the job he wouldn't leave me

"Sure but I'll be right outside." If I was a smart girl I would have stopped Derrick from walking out that door but smart I am evidently not.

"Arianna I know you feel like I deserted you but you should know that leaving here was one of the hardest things I ever had to do." I guess I wasn't hiding my feelings as well as I thought I was.

"Yeah well don't worry I am out of here as soon as all this is over." I didn't want to have this conversation but we were going to have it anyway "I am used to people leaving Trey I guess I just always thought you were the one person that would always have my back then you leave and months would go by without a single word from you."

"I was trying to make a life away from here Arianna a place you could come to if you ever needed to get away for a bit. I am the one person you can always count on I kept tabs on you more than you think how do you explain that I always knew when to call you?"

Trey was right he always knew when to call. He called after all the suits showed up the first time then again after prom. "How did you know when to call?"

"Pete and Roberta I stayed in contact with them. I knew you were hurt when I left so I tried to give you time to cool off. I did what I thought was right for you Arianna. I thought the less you heard from me the easier my leaving would be on you. So I stayed in contact with them I called at least twice a week to check on you Roberta and Pete kept me pretty well informed and when I thought you needed me the most I called you. Maybe it wasn't the best thing for you but hindsight is twenty twenty." I don't know if the fact he was using Roberta and Pete to keep tabs on me is suppose to make me feel better because it doesn't.

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