" I have known Ashish through a common friend for quite sometime now. That's how he got the job as well in my place. He is definitely not the kind of person who will disappoint you.

And yes, I know something else might be bothering you.

Your....'status' before his, maybe.
Sorry to use the word, but I think things should be cleared out.

Sonara, you are extremely beautiful. I know life might have not given you time to spend before the mirror much.
And qualifications?
Well, a human becomes a human by his humanity, not by degrees achieved in academy.

You are surprisingly hell dignified, smart, soft spoken and graceful a woman, much of an outcast to the places your roots are to.

Hence, know yourself and give yourself wings, one more time, according to your capabilities. "

Maya smiled.
Drying the insides of Sonara, completely.

Maya got up.

" Come, get ready, I'll drop you at your workplace.

Oh, I forgot. You cook tremendous. And after marriage you can easily start a catering business with initial investments from Ashish or me. I'm sure you'll soon rise and rule. That way, you can live independent, as you wish to. "

Sonara got up as well. Her head twirled.

Maya kept talking.

" Your job ends around 5:30, right? I'll pick you up. And drop you at a restaurant where I've booked a table for you and Ashish. Talk to him. He too will, to you. Understand each other.

And yeah, Jai won't leave house today. I've instructed everyone to not let him. He's unwell, so.

Hence, keep Humaira here. He'll be happy to take care of her. "

Sonara suddenly couldn't control a couple of words spilling from her mouth.

" Of course, I know. Jai needs to do things his family finds good for him. I know. I understand. "

Maya threw a smile.
" You're right. He's so incapable himself that his family needs to take care. It's different altogether though, that each of his family members want different things from him.

I'll wait for you outside. "

And Sonara literally stood dumb, trying to comprehend her words.

Maya began walking away, but stopped midway, and turned.

" One more thing.

I'll not let you out of this house alone. You better understand that.
If you don't like Ashish, well and good.
Stay here. Though, be prepared of Raghav Raichand's wrath.

And I...promise to stand by you when he returns. But you might not like the tussle, yourself. "

The ground below Sonara finally slipped.

As Maya walked out of the door, her eyes somehow hazed up. And her throat felt an indescribable pain.

I'm sorry Sonara.
Cornering you, making you utterly helpless was not all I wanted to.
But, I want my little brother to rise and snatch you back. For that, you need to walk away from him, at any cost, just for a little while.


" Sonara.... What's wrong? Why are you crying? Tell me, please, I might be able to help you.. " , Nandini's repeated pleads had no impact on Sonara. Placing Humaira slowly on her lap, she walked towards the main door.

The silent tears adorning her cheeks reminded her of her position right now.

Maya Raichand, looked god to her all these while. But now Sonara knew, she was a petty human playing with human emotions, despite knowing every bit of it.

Just as Maya controlled Jai, she was controlling her as well.

And the irony was, Raqesh Chhetris could be escaped and fooled, but Maya Raichands would chain you down from all sides.

Marrying Ashish Wogle, could she ever do that?


That left her with only one option.

But would Maya let her do that?
Why not even, if she wanted her out of Jai's life?
Whom would she be answerable to even, if at all Sonara faces worse in life after leaving the mansion?

Time to face Maya. Literally.

Sonara got up the car, and looked at Maya. She was dawning shades. Her eyes invisible.

" Maya ma'am.

I think.... I need to talk to you as early as possible. Sealing my lips won't do any good.

I know you wish my well being.
But, my well being really doesn't lie in marrying some random guy.

I don't know why, a woman like you who is herself far away from marriages, I'm not sure though but I feel so, find that getting someone hitched is the only option to save her.
Let me tell you, it's not so.

Ashish sir is a superior human being. I already realise because he wants to marry a stranger just to make her happy.

But honestly he won't ever be able to make me happy that way.

I don't like complicating things. I'm sorry, I cannot meet him up in restaurants because I don't wanna know him.

Please, for god's sake, let me leave peacefully with my daughter.
Neither do I wish to face your father's wrath. Nor marry a stranger.

If you don't allow me, I will have to escape. I respect you, hence I'm informing you.

You helped me when I was distressed. Maybe I owe you something.
But definitely not my life.

I am way confident that I would not have married Raqesh Chhetri even if you hadn't saved me. I cannot marry someone else now, just because you have got a certificate of character for that person.

I say again, I respect you.
But I am not someone who you can control, just as you are doing with Jai Prakash Raichand. "

Sonara ended and immediately pressed the car handle to get down.

But, Maya held her hand.
She looked back, and saw her smiling.

" Sonara.

I'll drop office today.
You drop work as well. I request.

It's time, I tell you some stories.....of my life.

Stories, even Jai doesn't know.

Stories, that only you deserve to know at this point of time.

Stories, that might change the notion about me that you currently hold.

Will you give me your time? "

Sonara stared, unable to react.



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