That's when she started sneaking things. She pickpocketed rich brats who spent money like water. She stole from those rich girls in her class who always bragged about their possession. The money was used for her daily expenses and for her roommate who now was her boyfriend, his music classes. Day by day their life changed. Both were into planning their respective career that they couldn't give time for each other. They decided to break up. It was a mutual decision. He moved out and started living with his band guys.

As the days passed applied for different scholarships. She got one which allowed her to study in States. She spent part of her savings to arrange her passport, visa and bought some new clothes for herself. She came to US when she was 18. She joined the college. The scholarship had covered her tuition fees and also provided her with stipend. Her life was going smooth, and by smooth, she had daily meals and a part-time job to check other expenses. She was also brilliant and so had good grades. She couldn't afford luxuries but she was content. She wanted to be a doctor. So she had to study hard.

She still would pickpocket stuffs so as to afford alcohol. She was a little addicted to it.
Blame it for the bartending job. But trust me, that girl never gets high. Never once I saw her getting even tipsy. Back to the story, one day she was walking alongside ever-busy New York Street, and I saw her. She was wearing some old blue jeans and a white shirt, a black Jacket in her arm, yet she carried it off as if it was some Armani or Gucci designer wears. I could see the outline of her purse in pant pocket. I walked towards her, with one swift motion I picked her purse. I walked further; she was walking away oblivious of my act. Or that's what I thought. I walked for almost 5 minutes and stood near a bar, to check her purse. She had $20 bill, college identity card and a small pocket calendar. Okay so this was my luck. Just $20.

I removed the bill, tossed that purse behind me and searched for my purse in my pocket. It was missing. I had kept it in my pocket. It had almost $600. It was my hard earned money of the day. I started searching around me. Suddenly I heard a voice.

"Looking for something?"

I turned to look at the tall blonde girl whose pocket I just picked, standing against the wall, waving my purse in her hand. I quickly walked towards her and snatched my purse. Checked for my money. Everything was intact. She hadn't taken anything.

"So, now that you have your purse back, can I have mine?", She asked me, or more like ordered me. lt wasn't American accent. But I couldn't recognise which was that.

I returned her purse. She smiled and walked away without a word. I was shocked. What just happened! Someone who picked my pocket with so much ease, had all chance to take my money, returned my purse with money intact and walked away without even complaining! Who would do that? When she was getting $600 instead of her $20, why would she deny the fortune? I decided to ask her. So, I ran behind her. Also, I wanted to know what accent was that. It was tough sexy and soothing.

I ran and approached her. She was walking in her own pace, occasionally taking a drag from her cigarette. I held her hand. She stopped. I looked into her eyes. I could read nothing. The crystal clear blue eyes stared back and I couldn't face it. I closed my eyes for a moment, opened with a determination. I asked her the reason for returning my purse. She just smiled at me, and took my purse from my hand and said,

"Well if you don't want it, then I'll have it"

And then, she started walking again. I was astonished. What was happening to me? She was intimidating too. Her eyes, though unreadable, was a little scary.

I decided to act strong, caught up her pace and pulled her aside. She looked at me again and this time she wasn't smiling. I could see the serious expression in her face. She was little angry I guess. (After few years, I found out that no one dared to physically overpower her. I was the first one)

Daughter of Hela Where stories live. Discover now