Chapter Seven

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"I agreed to meet you. Now fucking spill or I will leave" he looked glum. He leaned against the opposite balcony railing from me, just looking me over.

"You really should grow your hair out, it looks better longer" I scoffed. Distracting me once again.

"I actually like the short hair. Now I'm going to ask again. What. Do. You. Want" his eyes closed for a moment as he took a deep breathe.

"This is going to sound Cliché but... I want you"

"No shit. But what makes you think you deserve me? After all the lies...after all the manipulation?"

"I-I don't. Your right. But I need a second chance. I'm so sorry I fucked up everything. Let me make it up to you. Please" he came off the railing, grabbing a hold of my hands. He was gentle about it. Maybe he really did need me in his life and like all humans he made a mistake. Get that out of your head Marinette, you are better than this.

"How? How can you make this up? You have done enough damage" I pulled away from him taking out my Yo-Yo. This was a mistake. I should have never come here.

"The cat. Is he still alive? I can help with his medical treatments" I feel as though I'm being played a fool.

"He is dead" I don't want to be crossed again. I gave him a stern look watching his face show hurt once more.

"I'm so sorry. About him. I knew you cared for him"

"Yea I do. I should leave. This was just a mistake" I jumped up onto railing, swinging the yo-yo to leave.

"I can get your Kwami back. Well I can't but I know someone who can" I paused for a minute. My yo-yo stopped spinning. "The woman I'm working for. She can help. We accept new members all the time, she would be happy if you joined us. I'm sure of it. Look" he rolled up his sleeve to reveal a mark. It seemed to be branded into him. It looked like a bee, the actual insect. "Its all of our marks. We are better than the miraculous ever was. We are going to make a difference in the world"

"I-I don't think it's a good idea Cato. I really don't think it's a good idea" 

"Please. Think about it. Your still a wanted fugitive for treason and gang affiliation. This woman can get rid of all of that for you" it doesn't seem to trusting. With the brand and everything. I have to keep Adrien a secret anyways, Cato's gang can't know.

"I have no promises. You really hurt me Cato and I don't think we can repair that"

"I think we can. You just have to trust me"

"Look at what happened last time I trusted you. You left me! After lying to me you left Adrien and I to die!"

"You left me no choice! You are fine. You are alive and that's all that matters now"  his hands went to mine again. He was close to me again. He was trying to get me to get off the railing so I wouldn't leave him. I have to leave or I'm afraid I will never leave. "How is my sister? She is with you right?" I froze at his question.

"S-She died as well. I was there at her end but there was no way in saving her..." his hands found his hair, pulling at it in stress. God his eyes held so much hurt.
"I have to go. I'm sorry but I have to go. It hurts too much to be around you right now. This is not a good time" I tried to not make him mad. His head dropped in defeat. "Goodbye Cato"

"Goodbye Principessa" I blushed at the faint memory of a nick name and swung off.


Maybe I can get up. I haven't been bleeding all day. Maybe I can start walking now. Is that even a good idea? Probably not but I can try. No Marrinette will get upset. Speaking of, where is she? I know she said she would be out but she has 'been out' for a while now. She normally checks on me every hour but she has been too long for that.

After another hour she did come back. Her face was pale, as if she had seen a ghost. She went to her regular routine though. Checking my wound, looking me over. But this time she was silent.

"Where have you been?" She avoided my gaze, not daring to look at me in my eye.

"I um. Had to clean up some loose ends" loose ends? She was being really secretive right now. What was she actually doing? She must've saw my expression. "It's nothing to worry about, just some old contacts giving me information on a Kwami"

"Have they found one for you?" She paused for a bit, almost as if she was choosing her words.

"Supposedly they can help my dead one. But I don't know. I don't think they are trustworthy anymore"

"What makes you say that?" I had to get some answers from her. I feel she isn't being completely honest with me.

"We just have some bad history when I was working for the miraculous. One of our deals went bad" she then payed down next to me as she always does, on the hard floor. I felt guilty, she always took the hit for me.

"Are you sure your okay though?" She sighed her arms going behind her head.

"Is anyone ever okay? Just go to bed alright? Don't worry about me. I got everything under control"

"Mari I don't like being kept in the dark about things. I know you to much to know when you are lying"

"Somethings are worth lying about"

"Marinette" my teeth gritted.

"Adrien just drop it. I'm going to bed and I don't want to hear your voice when I'm sleeping alright? It's been a long day" she shut off the light making the room go pitch black. My night vision activated briefly seeing her turn on her side away from me.

I'm going to figure out her little secret.

Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Beeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें