Chapter One

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I think at this point I have anxiety on full drive. Being on the run you have to have it at full drive, bad things happen when your not alert. Your only alert when your anxiety kicks in. So the constant checking over my shoulder, checking if my yo-yo was in the right place of my jacket, all of it was necessary. Quickly I went to the back entrance to one of the hospitals. I watched as one of the doctors had exited, he was on his phone. I slipped in as soon as he was out of sight. There were two more people, they seemed to be just visiting. I hid in the shadows anyways, waiting for them to past.

I then began to proceed to the medical closet. I shut the door behind me as quiet as I could sighing. I then looked ahead of me. A nurse was in here, putting supplies into her cart. She saw me and looked puzzled. "Ma'am your not supposed to be in here. This is a restricted area to the publ-" I stopped her halfway, my yo-yo wrapping around her neck. I pulled on it choking her more.

"Its nothing personal" She then lost her footing and she went unconscious. I untangled the yo-yo from her neck, running to her cart, stealing whatever I could. Morphine shots, bandages. I got all that I could. She also had some prescription drugs I didn't bother to even look at what they were. I stuffed everything into my coat pockets, then got up to leave as they were completely full. I shut the door behind me then made my way to the backdoor again. A doctor went into the room right after me. Now I need to run. There was a scream from that doctor and I picked up the pace. An emergency alarm began to ring as soon as I exited. I tried to go down the road I came from but the police already got here. Every fucking time they do this. I ducked behind a car, watching as they went by as well. I sighed in relief seeing the coast was clear. Carefully I gotten up, continuing on my path home. Then the sirens came back on again, a bright light illuminating me like a spotlight.

"Fermati proprio lì, sei circondato!" I gritted my teeth and took off. They knew it as me here. I mean it has been a constant thing I have been doing for the past few months. I really need to change my routine. They were following me on foot but I was quicker than that. My speed didn't match the speed I had with my Kwami but I could still keep going. Eventually though my stamina was faltering. I had to stop. Some of them were still in cars and were easily keeping up with me without breaking a sweat. I turned down another alleyway, getting out of the view of the police. I sat down, heaving so I could catch my breathe. They found me. Their flashlights flashed on me, only making me groan and get up to take off again. I tried to throw a trash can back at them but one of them got to me.

I was tackled to the ground by one of them, then two more had come to help as I struggled. They wrestled for my coat, pulling it off of me and I could hear the handcuffs. I gritted my teeth, turning onto my back and kicking at the officers. One of them tried to grab me, yet I gotten up again. I had to leave the supplies. That's the only way I'm getting out of this. "Stop! Get back here!" I tried getting the handcuff off of me, they only got one hand tied up. It wouldn't go, Ill have to do that when I get back home. I went to grab my yo-yo. Shit its in my coat. I have to go back. So I faced the three officers, they all stopped, their eyes widen.

"You wanna play? Lets play" They all went to tackle me to the ground. I punched the first one in the jaw, sending him back and ducked as another officer went to hit me. I kicked that one in the gut. The last officer got out his taser. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" But he unleashed it. I dodged it, unarming him of his taser and bringing him to the ground. I smashed his head down making him go unconscious. I ran to my coat looking at it and seeing all the morphine was spilled on the ground. Great. Just great. "You guys are assholes"

One of them tried getting up again to attack me but I had my yo-yo. I swung it up, going back up to the rooftops. At least I have some bandages to bring home.


"That took a while" Nino was the first to speak as I entered our makeshift home.

"Police we're waiting for me" I shrugged. I un did my coat, taking it off and putting the supplies I got on the countertop.

"You can keep risking it. Adrien wouldn't wan-"

"Adrien wants to die right now and you think he is capable of making decisions? No. No he isn't and I'm fine Nino. Really I am"

"We need to get you a Kwami"

"Well the organization is dead and so is my Kwami so good luck with that" I grabbed a pack of bandages, going back to the Adriens room while ignoring Ninos comments. I don't want to deal with him right now. I just want to take care of Adrien. I don't give two fucks about anyone else right now.

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