Chapter 1: Our First Encounter

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"You control every part of my life already it would make no difference if you tried to control my eyes too." I curse internally at my father because I could never say these words aloud.

I lift my head back up briskly and adjust my posture. I notice him still staring at me from the corner of my eye but I resist the urge to look back. I silently scoff unable to hold back my bottled in anger. It was faint but my mother, the Queen heard and scolds me using her eyes. I force back a smile onto my face and give in to my hunger by taking a bite of my volaille de Bresse and scrambled eggs. The silence is aggravating while all everyone does is stare and eat. I'm used to having men and women of the court joining us for meals from time to time but there is always a lot of conversation.

"Your majesty, you have such a beautiful daughter!" Compliments the older woman.

"She gets it from her mother, such beauty!" My father replies with an elated look.

"Yes such beauty, a beautiful princess must have all the richest noblemen and most honorable soldiers at her feet or maybe she has already chosen one to be at her side." The expensively dressed male says.

His voice is deep but calm and his sudden interest in my personal affairs irritates me. Maybe I would have become intrigued to know who he is because it is the first I'm seeing these faces but his sudden prying fades that interest. He might just be another foolish suitor who presents himself to the King for my hand even when aware of the prophecy.

The King grits his teeth. He slams his fist hard on the table shaking all the plates and utensils resting on it causing some to fall off. Even the chair beneath me moved. I know my father well so I gently pat his shoulder and interrupt his almost outburst of anger.

"Such interest in my personal affairs is not welcome but if you must know, no. I do not have any man standing by me. You should also be aware that it is not in my intention either."

"I do apologize if my brother insulted you in any way, your highness. I beg for your forgiveness. A foolish child he has always been and he is so often completely oblivious to his own words." The younger female apologizes.

She flashes a smile at me and I admire her perfect white teeth. He narrows his eyes at his sister as she furiously narrows hers back at him. Watching the two makes me wish I had a sibling. I would have someone to have senseless fights with and throw my tantrums freely on. I smile and nod accepting her apology.

"I think you should know who are our guests dear." The Queen says clearing the unpleasant notion.

"Forgive us, where are our manners?" says the elder man. "I am King Conan Hulchin and this is my wife Queen Fera Hulchin, my daughter Princess Caylil Hulchin and-"

The misbehaving male interrupts. "I am Prince Tellafareno Hulchin, I know my name is a bit much so please refer to me as Prince Reno. A pleasure to meet you, a worthwhile visit."

His stubbornness and insolence which are overlooked by his family make me envious. His long name interests me. I definitely recognize the language. I am thankful for my father teaching me the language of the angels at a young age because it became like a second speech to me. He made me know that it was a privilege to know it and I shouldn't teach it to anyone because no non-angel is allowed to know it. He didn't even teach it to his own wife.

In angel language 'Tellafareno' means 'missing piece'. I laugh out loud at the silliness. His parents were certainly awkward when choosing that name for a son or just oblivious. Do they even know what it means? I wonder. Normally boy babies were named after their fathers or after admired heroic soldiers, alive or already died.

"Your highness's beauty cannot be defined as anything other than divine. Her laugh, her smile, and even the way she chews are heavenly. If I were not a man of higher education, which I am, I would think of her as a woman. Her highness is not anything earthly, she walks among angels." Prince Reno compliments.

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