Sonnet(s) by Shakespeare.

Start from the beginning

"You what?" I nearly yelled.

She just gave me a nonchalant shrug.

"You can't... You shouldn't do that, why would you do that?" I said, my voice rising in a rather funny octave.

"Cause you needed me" she stated with a small smile.

I flopped down again shaking my head. "As much as it's touching and I feel thankful, I'm a bad influence on you."

"Nah, you just bring out the suppressed parts of me" she said fiddling with my blanket.

"I'm speechless." I said smiling and I actually could feel how strained my face was from being kept in a frown all night.

After a few moments of silence Ivara spoke "You deserve better Asher."

"I know, it's my fault."

"No it isn't, he shouldn't have led you..."

"Nah, it's mine, he never really did lead me, I've known Cason enough and thinking that he'd actually go for someone like me is absurd. He's very calculative, I mean there's nothing good enough in me."

A strong punch hit my leg making me yelp. "What was that?"

"Don't degrade yourself cause of some...lame...loser guy, you're a really good person Asher, plus you are good looking, have a good heart, are intelligent and an amazing person overall" she said in one breath.

"You do know, this cheesy stuff doesn't suit ya."

"I know and it's hard for me to do so appreciate."

"I do, thanks Ivara..." I said "But really it's my fault, I let myself fall in love with a person who's reciproaction chances were near to nil."

"Don't blame yourself Asher, it's life that's throwing these lemons at you" she said after thinking sometime.

"Maybe, besides if Josephine likes him which I think she does from a long time, I don't wanna come between them."

"And what about you?" she countered getting up and giving me a glare.

"I'll get over him?" I said quietly but the scoff I got from Ivara told me that she didn't believe me for a moment. Hell I didn't believe that, it would be really hard to get over Cason and I knew it.

"I think it's best though, I mean even if something ever happened between us, it would end badly given our families aren't that accepting."

"You could try telling them, not now but later. There's a chance they'll understand."

"I hardly beleive they will..." I said letting a tear escape my eyes.

"Asher, don't worry, you have us..." she said giving me a pitying smile.

"Please don't pity me."

"I'm not, it's just that it's unfair that someone like you has to go through this stuff."

"Trust me, I don't agree to you one bit."

"That's what you think Asher, have a little faith in yourself and destiny."

"I have in the latter, the former, there's nothing much note worthy."

Ivara pinched her bridge of nose."You need to like yourself Asher, only then you can think someone else will."

"Firstly, I know that but I can't see anything extraordinary about me so there's nothing much to like...and secondly I did think Cas would for some hopelessly unknown reason like me and look where it got me."

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