[1] the fall

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(So like I went on Pinterest and search up Regis ffxv gifs and groot came up

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(So like I went on Pinterest and search up Regis ffxv gifs and groot came up. So imma use it. I wasn't disappointed in the search)

I stood next to father as he is about to sign the treaty with Niflheim. I knew people are watching but I did not know what was about to accrue.

A big explosion is heard. Father and I look up. We both instantly summon our weapons along with the soldiers. "Run." Father tells me. I look at him shocked and confused. "RUN MY DAUGHTER!" He shouts.

"No! I'm not leaving you." I shouted back, he's taken back at this but before he can say anything. A fight began. I ran to the soldiers to help them. My sword clashed with the Niflheim soldiers. I felt the pain go through my body as some of their weapon gave me cuts but soon it's was down. I turn to my father to see him fighting. I went to go help but I'm thrown out the room.

Once I glance up I see him die. I fell back on my knees, tearing threatening to spill. Before I can do anything a hand grabs my arm. I went to punch but I see it's Cor. "Come on. We need to leave." I only nod, looking back at father. Cor pulls me with him, away from all this.

But of course, we got separated when the MTs arrived and attacked us. I ran as fast as I can and meaning that I got farther and farther away from what is it once was, Insomnia. I didn't have clothes expect the dress(on top) I'm wearing from the suppose to be the signing, it's now all ruined and ripped up with some blood on it, mine and others.

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