03~ 7 Rings

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♪I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it. I got my receipts be looking like phone numbers, if it ain't money then wrong number, black card is my business card,"♪

 The Ariana Grande song played, eventually drowning as Lydia admired her flawless makeup. She smirked, hot damn, Lydia looked good today. She ran a brush through her strawberry blonde locks.

"Look, I know moving here was big for you, leaving all your friends, but you have to get used to it." Her mother said from the doorway, reading the emotionally detached face of her daughter, Mrs. Martin rolled her eyes, she opened her mouth widely and begun to speak, "Baby girl, we've been thinking about moving ever since the animal attack, and then all of  the murders, and the nightmares, honey, you were screaming in your sleep. I honestly think this is for the best."

"Trust me mother, I know," Lydia sassed, zipping up her deep crimson heeled boots.

The older woman turned to her daughter, "Honey,"

"Mom," She said back in the same stern tone, though her eyes were unfocused, pupils dilated until hardly any of her iris was visible.

"Lydia, you haven't taken your pills, have you."

"I already told you, they don't work."

"Yes, they do." She said, thrusting the orange bottle into the teenager's hands, Lydia let her grip slacken and the bottle flopped to the floor, clattering loudly.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town Betty, Archie, Veronica, and Jughead were sitting comfortably in a booth at Pops. When the queen bee, Cheryl Blossom walked in, looking like she had just been on a three month holiday. Cheryl invited everyone one to a summer pool party. 

♪  gave love 'bout a hundred tries (hundred tries) just running from your demons in your mind. Then I took yours..... ♪

As  Halsey's song Without me played in the back round of Cheryl and Toni's summer pool party at Thornhill Cheryl and Toni walked in and they walked past Kevin and moose. " So, Moose, you know those movies where friends make a pact to lose their virginity by the end of the school year? said Kevin. "Uh-huh." said Moose.

"I've been thinking, since we've been hanging out all summer, maybe we should make a similar pact of our own, but on a slightly accelerated time-table." "Like, by Halloween at the latest." said Kevin....

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