the building with scars

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THERE IS A five story building and its walls have scars.

not scars carved on spray-painted brick. not scars of wired eyes, enveloped in a metal box. not scars made from jackets layered with dust, left abandoned on hooks.

these scars are people and there is one on every floor.

the building was founded somewhere in ████. it used to be a complex for drug deals and brothels. the wallpaper inside hides the bloodstains and memories etched onto its skin, tattoos flooded with regret. it smells like the dentist office and in the left corner of under the stairs, you'll find a rotting sunflower in a cracked bowl with the name ██████ written in sloppy blue paint. no one really knows who it's for. not even the landlord and he's been alive since ████.

lee taeyong moved in when he was about three. three years old when he thought glow in the dark stickers were made of magic.

he was aware of these scars and he was aware that some may not ever heal.

he just hopes he'll never become a scar of his own.

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