"Ugh!" I yell, but no one could hear me.

I guess that's one good thing at parties- no one can hear you, even if you were screaming.

Frustrated, I look around for help- possibly to see if I spot Georgia or Hannah. But they weren't here. All I see is Carter, who's forgotten about me all too quickly and already dancing with the pretty blond.

I sigh, very well knowing I was on my own for this one. I look around the McAllister house, scanning for any dark hallway that looked empty.

The stench of vodka made it's way up to my nose, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust and practically shiver. I needed to wipe this off, now.

I decide to head up the stairs, my best bet being there was some kind of washroom up there.

I make my way up the stairs and try my hardest not to slip on my heels. I try not to look into any of the bedrooms, praying to god that I didn't see anything that I wasn't supposed to.

I finally find myself a bathroom and slip in, closing the door and locking it for extra measures. I'm not stupid, I've heard the party cliche. My plan was not to have anything worse happen to me tonight.

I grab a towel from a rack near the shower and pray that Nick doesn't use this to clean anything explicit. Although, I was desperate, so at this moment I didn't really give a damn.

I turn the hot lever on the sink and let it reach it's highest setting, then I run the towel under the water and start to rub my dress.

Did I need soap?

Was that a thing? Do people clean vodka with soap? I mean I guess that's the point of washing machines but-

My thoughts are interrupted by a sudden ding on my phone, which lay on the counter next to me.

It was from Aiden.

Where u at?

Bathroom upstairs.

I reply, rolling my eyes as I do because I know that I've interrupted one of Aiden's make out sessions with my problems.

Something happen?

Nothing really, what r u doing?

I'm coming upstairs.

Aiden was sweet, I had to admit that I was surprised he was ditching girls for me. He was kind, a good friend, and would do anything for me.

"Open up! Only if your descent though- actually open up then too, that'd be a nice treat-"

I grab the door knob, before anything else inappropriate can slip out of his mouth, and yank the door open.

"Pervert," I say with a look.

He smirks, "thanks babe."

Mental Note- Aiden is cheeky when drunk.

"What have you been doing?" I ask, curious to know if he "scored" with one of the pretty girls we saw earlier.

Goodbye CarterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum