Chapter 8: Finally Some Fucking Dragons

Start from the beginning

My fingers gripped the glass with the illogical fear of the tram suddenly going topside and having me and everyone here fall to their dooms. I concentrated on a small speck on the outside of the window, breathing shallowly to calm my racing heart.

Sounds of awe and excitement rippled through the carriage as students huddled along my side of the carriage to try and get a final glimpse of the magnificent beast. But as it disappeared into the clouds, shreds of disappointment and a momentary sadness swept over me. But I told myself that once I got on the island I would be able to see dragons every day and maybe even get one of my own, however that worked. Did the dragon choose the rider or did the rider choose the dragon? Or maybe it was a mutual agreement?

"Woah, did you see the size of that thing!" Cora cackled, her grin mimicking mine. She had flung out of her chair like some of the other riders, trying to catch a hint of what their new life would be like.

It was beautiful. I thought, not feeling a shred of fear in me. There was no doubt in my mind that either of the two were going to harm us because they both seemed to be enjoying the starstruck looks everyone gave them. I believed they were more about showing off than anything else.

Maryanne scoffed, her voice filled with amusement. "That's Peter and Anakis. They really enjoys showing off to the newbies."

"If I had a dragon I would do this too." Jarald breathed, with me silently nodding in agreement.

After what seemed like an eternity, I began to notice vines snaking their way through the clouds. Startled, I looked up to see five floating islands, appearing as if someone had taken mountains and inverted them in the air. Vines, appearing as large roots, swung beneath the land masses. I remembered my science instructor telling us that the roots absorbed moisture from the air and provided the islands with water and a means for the islands to keep from drifting apart from the other.

"We're here." One of the male dragon riders called from the front of the tram. "Now, we'll be landing in a short few minutes, so please remain seated. You will all be escorted off the tram and taken to the main hall for a briefing of what to do next. Now, remember, whoever you once where, a mage, dragon rider, a commons person; it doesn't matter now, you're a dragon rider. Welcome to the family and welcome home."

I couldn't contain my grin at his last words, they somehow seemed natural, but maybe it was just my adrenaline high speaking. But god's, what wouldn't I give to be on that dragons back, just feeling the winds ripple through my hair. Having my eyes water from the pounding winds, the cold seeping into my bones. I would take it all just to be on top of the world, to forget everything. I couldn't wait to get my dragon.

As we grew closer to the dragon islands, more and more roars and whistles from the dragons echoed through the skies. In the distance, they looked like multi-colored bats but soon grew into a rainbow of solid colored dragons flying through the skies.

The tram continued to float toward the large, center island, which dwarfed the other four, with all the islands suspended equidistant from each other.

"How do you guys not get blown away by the wind up there?" Jarald asked curiously, eyeing the giant masses of dirt.

"There's a magical barrier that allows riders and dragons to come and go but protects the lands from the harsh winds and freezing temperatures," Maryanne explained.

"Magical barrier?" I turned my head around to the group, tilting my head in curiosity. "I thought riders and mages didn't share?"

The woman chuckled. "Now we don't. But when the mages and riders did work together they created this barrier around the area to protect us. It's been up for millennia and still holds strong."

"Woah." Cora breathed, her eyes filled with awe which I didn't understand. There was nothing special about the barrier or the fact that mages and riders once worked together. Why was she so excited?

I turned my head to look back out the window, wondering what type of barrier the mages used. There wasn't anything to see that told me where the barrier was-

Tiny electric jolts spiked through my body like someone phasing through my body. "I guess that's the barrier." I said loud enough for the three to hear me, while Jarald and Cora both shuddered much like the rest of the train.

"Yeah, and with time you'll get used to the feeling," Maryanne assured with a light chuckle.

For the remainder of the time, I stayed silent, just watching the landmasses get closure and closure until buildings began to form. It was strange how suddenly my mood changed when I saw that dragon. It's beauty, it's grace, it was all just so breathtaking, I wanted to see more. I needed to see more.

My stomach did a thousand flips as I imagined my hand on a dragon snout, feeling it's hot breath burning my palm. Bright red scales that signified its strength and fiery breath. Dragons were so cool, I was totally fangirling. I wondered how my parents would react if they saw a dragon or how they would react to me reacting like this to them. Would their jaws drop?

I shoved my family out of my mind, choosing to move past them and focus on the dragons flying overhead. They were much better to think about.

My heart pounded with excitement as concrete and people overtook the sky. A light thud vibrated through the cabin as we landed on flat grounds.

A young man with black spiked hair stood up from the front of the tram. "Okay, everyone, please get your things and meet us outside. And please do not stray from the group."

Maryanne rubbed her hands together, sucking in a breath. "Alright, everyone. I'll take you three along with some other students to the Great Halls. Get your stuff and let's head out."

I gave a short nod, standing up quickly while also trying to contain my excitement and seem like seeing dragons was a commons thing for me. But if no one were watching I would have had shot to my feet like a little kid when their mom asked them if they wanted to go to the candy store.

While waiting for Cora and Jarald to grab their stuff from the overhead compartments I made quick glances around the cabin, my foot tapping impatiently on the brown rugged carpet. The darker shades of brown stretching down the long aisles showed it's years of rigorous use like battle scars.

Students started stepping off the train which I soon followed, walking behind Maryanne and trying to keep myself as calm and emotionless as possible. I didn't want to be one of those kids that would jump up and down, clinging to someone's arm with wide eyes, saying 'Where here! Where here!' That would just make whoever was watching us, jobs a living hell, so I wanted to be as humanly civil as possible.

With my right foot extending and reaching for the ground, a small breeze of fresh air finally graced me with its presence but it didn't seem as cold as Maryanne had mentioned. Being locked up in trains and trams for the past fifteen or twenty hours was beginning to make me claustrophobic, thought the silence and relaxation was nice for a while.

The sun shone down on me while eager and antsy young adults crowded the bays. The station we were on didn't look like your typical train station. First of all, it was open, no ceilings or walls whatsoever until you got further ahead, to where the skyscrapers laid. Wooden posts with glass cases to protect the dule candles. I guessed it was to help hurd the hundreds of students getting off the many trams beside us and too also help light the floors at night.

"This way," said Maryanne. She nodded her head to the side right when Jarald and I looked at her. The curly-haired woman had Cora and three other students with her.

I gripped my suitcases plastic handlebar, taking in a shallow deep breath before making my way past the crowds and over to her and to the halls.

Legacy in Ruins: Dragon Rider Book 1Where stories live. Discover now