He holds out his hand to me as I grab it. "We have a date."


"I can't believe you're the Flash," Cisco's kind-of-girlfriend, Kendra Saunders says. "And that you work with The Flash." She was attacked by a weird looking guy and Cisco revealed Barry's identity. You would think he had a hang of it by now.

"Yeah, let's keep that on the DL," Cisco chuckles.

"This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks," Barry says. "Residue is a perfect match."

"So it is the same guy," Joe asks.

"Definitely. But the thing is, these blades are old... centuries old," Barry says.

"Do you have any idea why this guy would be after you?" I ask Kendra.

"No, I've never seen him before in my life," Kendra answers.

"Well, he was certainly acting like he knew you," Cisco says. "He kept calling her Priestess Chay-Ara."

"That's Coptic," Harry says.

"You mean Egyptian?" I ask.

"That's right," He answers.

"Well, I grew up in Wisconsin, and I've never even left the States, so..." Kendra trailed off.

"This guy, he's clearly incredibly dangerous, so we need you to at least let us try to protect you," Barry says as I nod.

"I can put a detail on her," Joe suggests.

"You didn't see this guy, Joe," Cisco says. "No offense, but I don't think a cop is going to be able to protect her."

"No, but we do have a few friends who could lend a hand," Barry suggests. "But we're going to need to leave Central City."

"And go where?"


"You really want to go to Star City?" I ask.

"Come on, we don't need Team Arrow's help," Cisco adds.

"Yeah, I think we do, man," Barry says.

"Man, you've fought meta-humans with abilities a lot worse than knife-throwing," Cisco says.

"I don't think this guy's a meta-human," Barry says. "There's something different about him, something, ah, mystical."

"Mystical, really?" Cisco asks.

"We stop meta-humans because we're scientists," Barry starts. "We can figure out what their weaknesses are, but we don't have any experience when it comes to guys like this, with magic. They do."

Cisco gives me a look. "They do know about this stuff better but-"

When Cisco sees I am not agreeing with him, he turns to Barry and asks, "Mm, this wouldn't have anything to do with Zoom, would it?"

"No," Barry says. "I'm just trying to keep Kendra safe. This is the best way to do that."

"Right. Okay, I'm with you," Cisco says. "But how do we even know Oliver and them even have time to help us?"

"How busy can they be?" Barry asks.

I then start, "Welll..."


We find out the place Oliver, Thea and Diggle are. They get stuck with Damien Dark as Barry speeds Thea, Dig, and Oliver over to where I was waiting for them. "Damn it," Diggle says as he takes off his mask to throw up. "Every time."

Thea then looks at me as I take off my mask. "Y- Y- You're the Phoenix?! Good- Good to know."

She looks over to Barry. "It's The Flash. Did I know we knew The Flash? We know The Flash. Okay. I didn't know we knew The Flash. No one tells me anything."

"Thank you," Oliver says to us. "But I don't think you ran all the way here to protect us."

"No, not to protect you," Barry says. "We need to protect a friend."


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