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My uncle just chuckled at our antics and walked out the living room.

I was chasing Yongbokie because he took the last slice of pizza in the box. Yongbok said he was hungry from the flight so we had ordered pizza.


"IM SORRY, PLEASE STOP CHASING ME. YOUR PUNCHES HURT DEAR GO- oOf" I finally caught up to him and tackled him.

I sat on his back while holding him down.

"hAH I got you nOw!" I was ready to beat him up for eating the last slice.

"W- waIt! I'll buy you dinner and I'll buy the pizza next time! Please don't  kill me" Yongbok yelled out.

He just made a big mistake.

I smirked and got off of him and rolled next to him. Yongbok then realized what he had said and tried to take it back.

"N- no! Wait! I'll buy you something else! I'll buy you the new Smash game or something! I'll get you the new Overwatch or League skins!" He stuttered with wide eyes, arms flailing around.

"Nope. Too bad. You already said you'd buy me food." I said back.

I eat like a pig and can eat a meal meant for five people. Don't judge! I'm a growing child and I have fast metabolism.

"My wallet... my poor poor wallet.." Yongbok wailed.

"Shut up dude.. I'll try to eat less when you buy me the food. It's your fault for eating my food." I huffed.

I got up from the floor and made my way up to my room. I opened the door and fell onto my bed.

My room was rather plain. I had light blue walls and a dark blue carpet. My bed was on the left wall with the window next to it. A small bedside table was next to my bed with a lamp on it. My desk was on the right wall with my bookshelf connected to it. I had wall shelves with some plants that my uncle gave to me saying that I needed some "life" in my room.

Yongbok came in and lied down next to me. We were silent for a while before I broke the silence.

"So, why'd you come to Korea? I thought you wanted to stay in Australia.." I asked.

Yongbok sighed and fumbled around with a stress ball I had on my bedside table.

"You know how I started dancing two years ago?" He asked back.

"Yeah.." I answered, unsure of where this was going.

"Well, I didn't tell you then, but I had auditioned for an entertainment company and I got in.. I'm going to be in the new survival show that they're going to air soon." Yongbok said.

I started at him with my mouth agape. He mentioned that he was interested in music but I didn't know that he auditioned.

"Well, congrats! That's great! I thought you'd stick to taekwondo or go for something else, but this is great! But why didn't you tell me?" I whined at him.

"I don't know.. you just seemed really busy nowadays and I didn't want to bother you." He stated.

"Awww Yongbok, don't worry, I'll always make time for you.." I teased while pinching his cheeks.

"Ok ok ow ow oww stop! It hurts!" Yongbok slapped my hands away and rubbed his red cheeks.

"Ugh whatever you big baby. How about we go out? You can buy me my food now. I'm kind of hungry." I suggested.

"Minmin! We just ate pizza!" He replied in shock.

"You ate the slice I wanted so I'm not full. Plus I'm still a growing child." I said.

I got up and walked out.

"C'mon dude! You're so slow. We can go to the cafe down the street." I said while walking down the stairs.

"Ok ok fine!" He huffed and followed me down the stairs.

I grabbed my keys and put them in my hoodie pocket along with my phone and wallet.

"I'm going to the cafe with Yongbokie! We'll be back by six Uncle!" I yelled.

"Ok! Be safe!" He replied.

I tucked my gun under my hoodie and put on my adidas.

Yongbok saw the gun and frowned but didn't say anything. He just grabbed his phone and wallet while putting his shoes on.

We decided to walk to the cafe because it was only a five minute walk.

There was a comfortable silence between us as I looked at our surroundings. I was a bit on edge like always, habits are hard to break..

"You can relax you know.."

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"You don't have to be so on edge all the time Minmin.. and you don't have to carry that around everywhere either." Yongbok said.

"It happens involuntarily, and I carry my gun around everywhere Bokie." I replied, slightly annoyed as we've argued about this before.

"But you don't have to do that when you're with me! We're going to a public area! Nothing is going to happen to us!" Replied an irritated Yongbok.

"You don't understand Bokie. I don't live the same life as you. It's just a part of me to be on edge and to always be careful. It's how I grew up and how I was trained since I was six. All I want to do is just have a peaceful dinner together so let's drop this ok?" I said with an exasperated sigh.

"No Minmin, every time we talk about this, you avoid the subject. You have to understand that not everyone in this world is dangerous!" Yongbok practically shouted.

"Felix. Drop. The. Subject." I said getting angry.

"No Minjee! This is stupid! What if you get caught with that on you! What if you shoot someone you're not suppossed to! What if you accidentally shoot yourself or soemthing!" Yongbok yelled.

"Shut up Felix! If this is stupid, then are you calling my entire existence stupid?! This is my life and what I've been training and doing my entire life! Do you think I'm dumb enough to shoot innocents or myself? Do you not trust me?" I said back just as fiercely. I was pissed. I was beyond angry that Bokie, the only person I had in my life other than my uncle, didn't have an ounce of trust in me with what I've been doing my whole life.

"No Minmin I- " Yongbok started.

"Save it, you can go eat by yourself. I'm going back home." I curtly replied.

I turned on my heel and stalked back home. Then I thought again and changed my direction towards the Company.


Yongbok POV

"She called me Felix.." I whispered.

"I fucked up.." I sighed and ran a hand down my face.

Instead of going to the cafe, I turned around and went to JYP.

I walked to the practice rooms and saw the other trainees inside. I went inside and sat down against the mirror. I sighed and closed my eyes.
I leaned my head back a thought about the conversation I had with Minmin.. I knew I had messed up. I sighed again and put my head in between my legs. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone sit next to me.

"Hey, you good? What's wrong?"

"Oh. Hi Byungchan hyung.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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