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I woke up with a start in my room. I breathing heavily, sweating profusely, and my sheets felt suffocating.

It was just one of my nightmares..

I reminded myself that the horrors were in the past. As I took deep breathes, the sound of cars crashing and sirens slowly faded away. I hated them. The nightmares. They just reminded me of how everything was my fault...

I pushed away the thoughts of my nightmare as I heard footsteps coming towards my door.

My door was pushed open by none other than my uncle. He was the one who took me in when there was no one else.

"Hey Uncle," I said with a groggy voice. I rubbed my eyes in attempt to clear my vision up a bit.

My uncle chuckled, "Hey dear. Brrakfast is downstairs when your done getting ready."

"Thank you, I'll be down in a few" I replied as I got up from my bed. I walked to the connected bathroom and looked in the mirror.

Oh dear

I grimaced... I looked horrible..

I really need to find a way to not look like shit and sleep more..

I peeled off the sweaty clothes and hopped into the shower. The warm water cascaded down my body and calmed me down.

I quickly washed and got out, brushed my teeth, put on a pair of sweats and a loose shirt and walked out.

I went downstair with a towel around my neck, trying to dry my hair.

On the table was a plate of pancakes with syrup if I wanted some. I sat down and started eating when my uncle sat in front of me. He was staring at me. I looked up while chewing, and slowly said,

"Um.. Is there something on my face?"

My uncle was brought out of his trance as he said, "No but there is something on my mind.. Also, don't talk with your mouth full honey, it's disgusting."

I just ignored the extra comment and said, "Well, what's on your mind?"

"Um.. how would you.. uh.. like to see someone you haven't seen in a while yet?" My uncle said hesitsntly..

"Depends.. who is it?" I was slowly getting curious.

"Well, you know this person very well. I might as well say he's the only person you consider a friend." He said.

I just stared at him with my mouth agape.. I could only think of one person..


"Dear, I'm going to need you to calm down, and yes. He is coming. He's arriving at the airport soon in an hour. Get dressed and you can go see him." My uncle said.

I jumped up and looked at the time. It was 7:30. I quickly ran up the stairs, changed into jeans and a hoodie, a gun inside just incase, and my phone in my pocket. I always took my gun everywhere. I ran downstairs, kissed my uncles cheek goodbye and ran into my car. It was an audi. Not too fancy, but still sharp enough.

I sped down the highway, but the cops know my car. They didn't really stop me. I guess that's an advantage..

When I reached the airport, I quickly parked and ran inside. It was 8:15 and he should be getting off around by now. I looked around for dangers or treats. It was a habit.

When I felt all was safe, I got on my phone and waited for Yongbokie to come. I was just scrolling through instagram. I usually don't like social media, but Uncle said to at least have like 1 form of social media to keep up with the world so..

Eh.. I guess it keeps me from being bored.

Lately, a lot of people have been posting about a new survival show JYP is having for a boy group. I don't really keep up with group so it should be fine.

Plane from Australia has landed.

That right there, was the intercom. I looked up to see a foreign-looking dude coming down the escalator. IT WAS MY YONGBOKIE.

"LEE YONGBOK!" I screamed his name. I knew it would embarass him.

Yup. He looked up mortified at the fact that I called out for him at the airport, or maybe because I screamed out his Korean name.

Yongbok got off the escalator and I ran to him. I then jumped and landed in his arms.

"Yongbokie!" I said in glee with a small grin on my face.

He looked at me like I was crazy but nevertheless hugged back.

"Hey Minmin. How have you been" Yongbok said softly while chuckling.

"Ehh, it's been ok around here... Let's go home now, you must ne tired" I said.

I got off of him and walked with him to our car.

Aigoo... I missed my best friend. Hopefully, the nightmares and loneliness go away with him around..


Author's Note

Sorry.. that was pretty crappy. Oh well, It'll be better hopefully. Bai!

- youngie (y not, I'm a nub, and I want that to be the fandom name ig.. comment if you know a better one!)

I'm very sorry for not updating.. I'll do it a lot more now!

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