I Think I Love Her

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Roman Reigns

We escorted Veronica to the car and I put her things in the trunk.

"I'm gonna go get Joelle." I say.

"Ok." They say.

I go back inside and found Tamina with the superstars and divas in catering.

"Hey, Joe." She says.

"Hey." I say.

She hands me a sleeping Jojo and I hold her close.

"Thanks, again, Tamina." I say.

"No problem." She says.

I go back to the car and put Joelle in the back with Veronica. The guys and I got in and Jojo woke up.

"Hey, baby." I say.

"Hi, daddy." She says.

She looks and sees Veronica and was starstruck.

"Veronica, this is my daughter, and your biggest fan, Joelle. Jojo, this is your idol, Veronica Helmsley." I say.

Veronica smiles and waves at a starstruck Jojo.

"Can I hug you?" Joelle asks.

Veronica chuckles.

"Of course." She says.

Jojo hugs Veronica. I smile. Joelle was even being careful with Veronica's stomach.

"That was me once." Joelle says to Veronica.

Veronica smiles. Jon and Colby look my way, worried. I nod, fighting the tears. They nod. Veronica caught it but left it alone.

As I drove, Joelle had fallen asleep in Veronica's arm. Veronica was now on her phone and smiling. Colby looked over and looked on her phone and smiled.

"I just got the pictures of my last ultra sound." Veronica says.

She passes her phone to Jon. Jon takes it and chuckles.

"Awww. How cute." Jon says.

"Am I on the same planet? Does Jon Good actually give a shit about someone?" I ask and everyone laughs as Jon flips me the bird.

He shows me the picture and I take it as we came to a red light. I look and see the baby girl. Something in me was just... Protective. It reminds me of how I felt when I saw Joelle.

I smile and hand Jon back the phone as the light turned green. I started driving and thinking about the past years.

I had fought the tears when Joelle said she was once a baby growing in her moms stomach because Galina died 2 years ago in a car accident.

She had a fight with her parents and was on her way to come back home to me and Jojo when she was crushed by a semi truck.

Jojo was so broken. I was too but I had to stay strong for my baby girl. Galina died a week before we were supposed to get married.

My family took care of and helped me with Jojo. I finally got better and am still recovering. Jojo seems better and that's all I care about. As long as she's ok, I'm ok.

I pull up to the hotel and we get our stuff and walk.

"Here." I heard and turn to see Jojo carry Veronica's shoulder bag.

"Oh, Joelle, I can carry it." Veronica says.

"No. You're pregnant and tired. I'll carry it." Joelle says.

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