We're Back and We're Gonna Protect You

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Roman Reigns

The cameras were on Randy and Veronica. The whole world saw Randy slap a pregnant woman.

Jon, Colby, and I walk up in our Shield hear? Why? Because we're the mystery group that's returning.

Yup. The Shield is back.

"Is there a problem here?" I ask.

Jon and Colby stayed back and away from the cameras because we're revealing The Shield's return in the ring.

"Why don't you mind your own business, Reigns?" Randy sneers.

"You're hurting a woman. A pregnant woman. That's your wife. I can't just sit back and let you hurt her." I say and take Veronica's hand and put her behind me.

She was so confused.

"Stay away from my wife. Veronica, get over here, now." Randy says.

Veronica gripped my arm. I got this weird feeling. I liked the feeling of her holding onto me for protection.

"Veronica." Randy seethed.

"Randy." We hear and turn to see the parents of Veronica.

Stephanie and Hunter Helmsley.

"What have I told you? Leave my daughter alone." Hunter says.

Randy looks down and leaves. Hunter and Stephanie turn our way.

"I see you took us up on our offer." Hunter says to myself, Jon, and Colby.

"Of course. I told them we should do it. We all miss it but we mostly did it because we are Veronica's favorite faction in the WWE." Colby says.

Jon and I turn to a blushing Veronica. She slowly let go of my arm.

"You did this for me?" She asks Colby.

"Yea. I hate it when you're mad at me." He says.

She giggles.

"Come here, my ninja idiot." She says, opening her arms.

We laugh as he hugs her.

"You ok, Veronica?" Stephanie asks, putting her hand on Veronica's shoulder and Hunter put his on Veronica's stomach.

"Yea. Thank you, guys." She says to us.

"No problem. We're back and we're gonna protect you." Jon says.

She smiles.

"So here's what's gonna happen..." Hunter says and we all listen.

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