Am I Dreaming?

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Roman Reigns

"Daddy! Daddy!" My little girl yells.

"Yes, Jojo?" I ask.

"Look! Look! It's Veronica Helmsley!" Jojo screams, in happiness.

I look at the screen in my locker room and it shows Veronica Helmsley walking the halls of the arena with her husband, Randy Orton.

Poor girl. I've always seen her around and scared of him. Veronica is Joelle's favorite diva of all time.

I remember she used to be called Octavia Knight. Known for being ruthless, calculating, very skilled, and like a mixture of The Undertaker, Sting, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Lita.

"Yea, it's Veronica." I say, sitting with Jojo in my lap.

"I don't like Randy. He's mean to Veronica." Jojo says.

"Yes, he is. Don't ever go near him, ok?" I say.

"Ok." She says.

I kiss her temple and then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say.

Jon walks in and I smile.

"Hey, man." I say.

"Hey." He says as we bro hug.

"Uncle Jon!" Jojo screams.

"Hey, squirt!" Jon says, catching Joelle in his arms and holding her.

"Let's go. I got Tamina to watch Jojo while I do my promos." I say.

"Aright." He says and we leave.

Veronica Helmsley

I was walking the arena with Randy as I rubbed my pregnant stomach. It sucks not being in the ring but I can't wait for my baby to come out. Randy? Not so much. He's been cheating on me.

I tried to tell him I wanna get a divorce but when I did, he had slapped me and threatened to hurt my baby if I told anyone.

As we were walking, we ran into Seth.

"Hey, man." Seth says to Randy and they shake hands.

Seth then turned to me.

"Hey, Veronica." He says.

"Hi, Seth." I say.

"Still mad about me turning on Dean and Roman?" He asks.

"Yes, I am. You both know I love The Shield no matter what. I will always believe in The Shield. Whether it's together or not." I say.

He smiles and sticks his hand out. I smile and hug him. Which surprised him because I'll admit, I've been a bitch to him since he turned on Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. He hugs back then we release.

"I'm gonna go to catering. I'll see you guys in a bit." I say.

Randy gave me the look and I walked away. I went to catering and got a water and a slice of pizza. Randy walks up.

"Is that healthy for the baby?" He asks.

"I don't have to be eating healthy all the time when I'm pregnant. The baby wants what he or she wants." I say, finishing my food and throwing it away.

"Yes you do. Because I will not have my wife look like a fatass after a pregnancy." He says.

That hurt.

"Then why don't you go with that skank you're tapping and give me a divorce like I want." I say.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out. As he did, I saw everyone look our way in worry. We got to the hallway and he pins me up against the wall.

"I already told you. We're not over until I say we're over!" He says and slaps me.

"Randy, stop! You're gonna hurt the baby!" I yell.

"Good! I'd rather have kids with Kelly than an ugly fat whore!!!" He yells in my face.

"Hey!!" We hear and turn to see... Holy shit.

Am I dreaming?

Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns all together in their Shield gear?!

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