
Meanwhile, Yoongi's searching for the file he's been working on last night but he remembered that he forgot to save it on the flash drive

"Hey namjoon, i forgot to save the file on the flash drive, I'll just head home quick to save it, handle the rest here"

"Yeah, sure" namjoon said

Yoongi went to the parking lot and get into the car as he head home

He parked the car in front of their house and he opened the gate with the key carefully, so basically jimin can't seem to hear the gate opening because this idiot yoongi wants to surprise him

Yoongi opened the door carefully and he was shocked because he saw jimin wearing such clothes that is exposing his shoulder and arms, because he knows that jimin don't like to wear something like that

Jimin felt something behind him and when he turn around he saw yoongi staring at him

Note : his jaw dropped

Jimin blushed in frustration "what're you staring at?!"

He grab the pillows behind as he throws it on yoongi while shouting "what are you doing here?!"
and he grabbed the other pillow to cover his expose upper body

"Ma! Why are you throwing the pillows?" yoongi asked and walk towards jimin

"AAAAAH! don't come near me!" Jimin steps back and throw the last pillow that he's holding but yoongi still walk towards his wife

"Looks like you don't have any pillow to throw baby?" yoongi then smirked

"don't come near me, you idiot!" and he's about to stop yoongi by pushing him away but yoongi grabbed his hands

"Don't touch me you rascal!" Jimin keeps on freeing his hands

"Babe, pipe down a bit, Im not doing anything to you"

they stare on each other and he put jimin's hand on his shoulder while pulling him into a hug to calm him but jimin insist

"Ma, don't push me away" yoongi said gently

Jimin looked away "then stop staring at me"

"are you shy wearing this kind of clothes infront of me?" yoongi asked

Jimin still won't look at him "ofcourse not"

"Why are you wearing something like this? Did you go outside with this kind of clothes?"

"N-no, it just happened that Jin hyung gave this to me, since its summer and i can't find any thin clothes to wear and i saw this then tried this out"

"Really? I didn't know that Jin hyung gave you something like this?" He said and kept on staring

"because i know what you'll do if I let you know about this" jimin said, still looking away but yoongi grabbed jimin's chin to make him look at him

"Don't stare at me!" Jimin said blushing once again

Yoongi can't get enough of his wife's reaction, he rest his head on jimin's shoulder and he sniffs his wife's neck "Sorry, you were just so cute i can't handle myself so i teased you a bit" he said 

"Don't do that again you idiot, i don't wanna wear this anymore"

"Maaa no, you're so cute wearing this" and he squeeze jimin's cheeks "Sorry" yoongi said once again as he place a kiss on the younger's nose

Jimin didn't respond and still sulking

"Minnie, I love you" he said while jimin's still looking away

"Where's my I love you too?"

Jimin finally spoke "why didn't you text me that you're going home"

"baby, i just wanna surprise you"

"So why are you here?"

"I forgot something that is needed in the office" yoongi smiled and hugged his wife tightly

"Go away" Jimin said, still sulking

"No, unless you say you love me too"

"Just go get what you forgot and leave"

"You don't want me to be here? Babe, are you tired of me? You don't want me anymore? ㅠㅠ "

Jimin rolled his eyes "you're so childish, just let me go already"


Jimin sighed "okay, i love you too"

Yoongi release from the hug "not mad at me anymore?"

"Just do whatever you have to do now" Jimin said

"You're still not answering my question" yoongi plant a kiss on jimin's lips, cheeks, nose, and his forehead

"Okay, okay, just stop kissing me, im not mad anymore, i just want to tease you too" jimin giggled

Yoongi stared for a bit as he realized


"What?" Jimin laugh

"I thought you're mad at me"

"Nope haha" jimin kissed yoongi "Just go ahead hm? I don't want you to be late" he added

"yeah but baby wear this on my day off"

Jimin glared "as i thought" he turn around and about to leave yoongi but then again yoongi grabbed him

"Ma! Just kidding you're just too cute but please wear it in exchange because you didn't let me know about this"

"I really hate you right now"


Pardon my grammar Im not good in english but see y'all next chapter!😄😄😄

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