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  so to start, you will all pick your Wiccan name. you don't need one, but I find it better to have one. My Wiccan name is Scarlettclaw. It means Dangerously Beautiful. I remember finding my name, I was on a journey to look for a name and I started writing random names. I looked at my list of names and was proud. I took two names that called out the most and stuck them together. Scarlett and Claw. I won't give you my actual list, maybe later, but I will give you a list of other names. Here we go...

Number one on the list is Amethyst. I admire this name because it is such a pretty name. As amethyst is a jewel that is also the meaning of the name.

Number two: Aija. This is a name I never heard of. Most of my names would be unique and different. Aija means melody. That was a name I wanted to put on this list but decided not.

Here for the third is:  Aoife. I didn't know how to even say this name. Another unique name that means joyful. So if you are always a positive person, choose this name.

Four: Amaretat. Most of you guys are probably like 'what?' i know. it is a confusing name. This lovely name means immortality.

Fifth: So this name is Blossom. And I sure do hope you blossom into a flower by the end of this book. I'm going to give you so much info you will burst! The meaning is Fresh.

oooooo. Up for sixth on the list is : Darcy. I am sure most of you heard this name? I heard it once. The meaning is darkness. spooky huh?

For the seventh name, we got: Castalia. I love this name! I hope you know, whoever chose this name it will be a character in another book. Meaning: pure.

Number eight: Draco. Come on..someone has to be a harry potter friend. Well if you are, hi new best friend! The meaning for this name is dragon. oh, shocker.

Number nine: Faeryn. The meaning of this name should make itself known right off the back. When I saw this name, I immediately knew what it meant. meaning: Faries.

simple enough number 10 is: Kai. What a handsome name. It is a simple name and you don't have to be Wiccan to have it! meaning: fire. I love fire.

I hear number 11 is good. Number 11 is: Lilith. Funny enough I have a friend named Lilith, but she is a spirit. I am writing a book about her now. meaning: of the night.

Number 12: Neoma. What is your favorite type of moon? Is it full, or is it new? Well if it is new then you're in luck cause this name means new moon.

And of course, number 13 is: Perseus. This name has an awesome meaning. But I might be the only one who thinks of it that way. Meaning: destroyer

Number 14: Raven. While I do love this name, I was very sad when I happened upon it. Not because of it, but how it had no good meaning. I know you are thinking of a bird. Meaning: dark- haired

Number 15: Fergus. What boy wouldn't want a name like this? If you don't like the name, maybe I can change your mind. It has two meanings: strong and manly.

For sixteen we have: Cadmun. I am not going to lie, it is not one of my favorites, but maybe it is yours. Meaning: warrior

Oh, and for 17 the lucky winner is: Aiden. Oh, the special name. I love this name, and it has to do with the fact that every book that has his name, the character is hot! meaning: small fire

Number 18: Angus. I swear I heard this name before I just don't remember where..the meaning is really something special. The meaning is: special and unique

Number 19: Pollux. Also not a fan of this, but I wouldn't turn it down. The meaning: crown

For number 20: Fox. I know sounds like a weird name. It will be used more for a middle name. Meaning: smart and creative

special Twenty-one: Cedric. Another harry potter name? Amazing! Just know that he is mine! I couldn't really find a meaning but I got something. Meaning: chief

My lucky number 22: Aradia. I never heard this name but it sounds special. I hope someone got it. Meaning: to watch over

Number 23: Rowena. This name sounds so sweet. I want to met someone with this name. Meaning: joy and fame

Number 24: Ariadne. Hey, i know someone named Ariadne! Do you? Meaning: most holy

Number 25: Echo. Well, she sounds fun! Her name is short and exciting, we don't need a long name to be unique. Meaning: sound

Number 26: Soleil. It sounds like an italian name or something. If i met someone who was named this i will probaly get your name wrong. sorry. Meaning: sun

27: Willow. Maybe you guys read a book with a willow tree the all powerful tree! Or met a quiet shy girl named willow. That is what i think when i hear that name. Meaning: graceful

28: Amber. Oh, are we talking about a color? There is many names that are colors, like gray. But this is more than a color. Meaning: Gem

29: Autumn. Whay do you think of when you here Autumn? Oh, do you think fall? That is funny because the meaning is: fall

30: Talia. This is my sisters wiccan name. It is really pretty. I was pretty sure it meant something like moon or wolf but all i got is meaning: by the water

31: Acca. I couldn't find info on this name. It was like it didnt exsist.  only info is from acca.

32: Asem. Interesting name to have. do you have this name? Meaning: protector

33: Darko. I just learned the name today and it has became my favorite. Meaning: gift

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