Too Early : 2

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[a/n] Hey guys sorry for the very late update , I had half of it written but I got too caught up with school to finish it up but I did and here you go , I don't know how I feel about this but I hope it's a good one and yes I got some ideas from camp rock x_x

*Lauren's POV*

It has been exactly a week and a day since the fateful bridge encounter with Camila . Ever since that day we've started growing closer , not that I was complaining , and do not ask me about taking her out on a date because I know it has been 3 weeks already and I still haven't mustered up any courage to ask her out on a date .

I has everything planned out of for the date and since today was an off day at the camp I decided that this was my opportunity , better late than never right ? I already had everything set up and the song too ( for over a week actually ) but i wanted it to be special since it was her first date , I just couldn't figure out how .

After the leader's briefing of the events that will occur throughout the week , I walked into the cabin finding Normani and Ally sitting by the couches using their phones .

"Hey guys , where's Camz ?"

Glancing over at me for a second they both replied in sync , " out with Dinah and Bea "

I felt slightly disappointment that she wasn't in the cabin , but this way I could ask Ally and Normani to help me with date . Knowing that there will be a whole lot of mocking and comments if I was too straightforward so I decided to take another approach . "Do you guys know if Camila is free today ?" I said the twinge of nervousness could be heard through my tone .

At this they both turned their attention to me ,their faces both masked with sly smiles, "Why ? Is our Lo finally growing a pair and ask her lover out ?" Normani mocked me laughing , I huffed in annoyance and dropped myself on one of the one seated couched , one of my legs over the arm and my shoulders draping from the other .

" I'm serious , please , and yes I want to take her out today but whatever I plan doesn't seem to be special enough and I just want it to be special since it isn't only our first date together but also her first date ever," I groaned covering my face , I perked right up when I heard Ally speak up , " take her to the lighthouse " she said it as if it was the most obvious place to go on a date , even if I never thought about it before .. "Yeah! Nobody goes there ," Normani said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, " and it's a perfect view to watch the sunset " she quipped .


After Normani and Ally helped me set everything up , we gathered on our usual table for lunch , Camila was sitting between me and Dinah , Ally and Normani on the other side . Camila was done with her food when I slowly pulled her closer by her waist and brought my lips close to her eyes , " I need to talk to you , come walk with me ? " I could see the hairs on the back of her neck standing , I smiled when I realized that her pony tail was a bit higher than usual today . I could here her gulp nervously but she nodded her head either way .

We walked out of the cafeteria and slowly made our way between the trees in silence , when we were out of eye shot and ear shot I held her hand and stood in front of her , I interlaced both our hands together and stepped a bit closer , " hey " I said rocking back slightly , " hi " she said meeting my eyes . I broke the eye contact immediately and cleared my throat , i took a deep breath and made eye contact with her again since she was watching me intently , " so I was wondering ... If you would .. I mean .. It would be an honor if you could consider spending your first date with me .. Today ? " I scrunched up my nose nervously but her face eating smile settles my nerves , " I would love to , " she said chuckling to herself when I asked " really ? "

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