Chapter 1

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I am now lying in bed, staring at my dark ceiling. I am thinking about all that's happened lately. I told my mom I didn't feel well after jogging and she let me stay home. Now I'm just thinking about how I killed that woman in cold blood. You'd think I'd feel guilty after killing someone, but I actually feel great. I love how people are for once talking about me. On TV last night the police men were talking about how they think a villain killed her, they are so stereotypical, and the reality is... I did it. For once in my pathetic life people are talking about me! I've tried so hard to get the attention of others and as it turns out all you have to do is kill one woman! Funny, huh.

I swing my feet over onto the floor. I sit on the edge of my bed thinking of what to do next. I know that I can't become a hero. After all, heroes don't kill people. Maybe if I don't kill anybody else and the police don't find out I killed her I could still be able to be a hero, but I don't really feel like quitting. I don't think I'd be able to give up killing. As I was stabbing her with my knife I felt so alive! If I quit, then I'd be giving up that feeling. So I made up my mind.

Instead I'll become a villain. Of course I'll have to keep it a secret from everyone, even my mom. It'll be kind of hard considering we live together, but I'll manage. After all, she'll believe anything her precious little Izu says.

Once I truly become a villain I'll have to have a disguise while killing, just in case someone sees me. Can't risk getting caught after all.

Thankfully mom gives me allowance every week if I do my chores and it just so happens I've done my chores every week for the past three years. Which means I have just under $870. Should be enough to make a disguise.

I walk over to my computer and start looking for the bare minimum I'll need. I'll need something to hide my hair, face, and build. I'll need gloves so that I won't leave any finger prints. I'll also need new shoes since the ones I have right now are pretty recognizable.

After a while of searching I come across a black mask that covers half of my face. It looked as if it was made out of fabric. I add it to the cart and continue looking for something I'll need. I looked a bit longer until I found a dark green hoodie. This would be perfect for hiding my body shape and hair! After I added it as well I quickly found black combat boots.

Now that there was a green hoodie, black mask and black combat boots in my cart. I paid for the items; they should all arrive in one weeks time. Until then I'll be planning. Planning how I would choose my targets, how I'd kill them, and how I'd dispose of them.

I heard the opening of the front door. Mom was home from work. I quickly powered off my computer and got back in bed acting as if I was resting. After all mom thinks I took the day off to sleep.

After about 5 minutes I really fell asleep.

I heard the soft knocking on my door

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I heard the soft knocking on my door. I slowly sat up and called out in a sleepy voice, "Yes?"

"How are you doing Izu? Can I come in? I have supper."

"You can come in." I said.

She came in with a tray of food. It is katsudon, my favourite. She walks closer towards me and set the food down on the dresser that's beside my bed. She sat down next to me putting the back of her hand on my head, "Well, luckily it doesn't look like you have a fever."

I nodded, "Yeah, I should be able to go to school tomorrow."

She bent down and kissed my forehead, "Eat and get some rest. I'll come later to pick up your dishes."

"Okay," I replied. After she left I ate the food and laid down. I didn't fall asleep right away though, I kept on thinking about all the ways I could kill someone. It was just so exiting! Soon enough I felt myself drifting into the beautiful land of dreams.

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm clock

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I woke up to the beeping of my alarm clock. I sat up and pulled the covers off of my self. I felt the coldness of the floor on my feet as I walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

I did my daily routine of brushing my teeth, doing something to my hair, and getting my uniform on.

After I was all ready I said 'goodbye' to my mom and set off to what I call hell.

On my way there my thoughts once again drifted to the day before yesterday. How Bakugo told me to kill myself. I wonder if he thought I actually did it since I didn't go to school yesterday. If he really did think that I wish I could've seen his face! It would be been hilarious! I giggled to myself as I imagined his reaction.

Him getting all depressed. Even if he didn't feel sad, he must've shown some kind of reaction. Then it hit me. He wouldn't have a reaction. You know why? Because he doesn't care for me. That's why he told me to kill myself in the first place. Because he wishes I was dead. Well guess what Bakugo. I don't give a fuck what you think. I could kill him in a split second so I don't see why I should be scared of him anymore.

I bursted out laughing as I imagined him lying dead beneath my feet.

"Oi! DEKU!" I heard an angry yell.

I turned around to see a pissed of Bakugo stomping towards me.

"Oh, hey, Bakugo."

End of chapter 1

Thanks for reading! Hope you have a nice day! Peace!✌


Edited by: SaraYuki21

Proof-read by: SaraYuki21

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