part three

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authors note: if you read chapter 2 before the 28/08/12 (LIAMS BIRTHDAY yayayaya) then go back and scrool down abit, i added another diary entry to that chapter to make it longer, or should i stick to just having one chapter with ONE diary entry let me know in the comments,



diary entry #4

dear diary,

after school i went to the shops. i had just come back from there and the clothes and things there are quite cheap and guess who i saw shopping at springers shopping centre; jasmine and michelle. they asked why i was there and i shyly explained to them that i need more clothes for school. they had told me that half of their clothes were new and expensive but the other half was from a vintage op shop. most of their clothes were from there, and they had just changed the buttons on an old jacket or wore an old maxi with a plain white singlet with an old cute demin vest.

we had explored most of the op shop and you'd actually be suprised about how many good things that were there.

i had bought a brand new pair of jeans that still had the tag of the original brand and a new pair of sandals that would've only been worn a couple of times.

so now i have 3 pairs of jeans,3 shorts,2 trackies, 5 t shirts, 2 shirts, 3 jackets, 2 jumpers and a couple of tanks to wear to school.

going to eat dinner now, and dad is going to give his "family meeting talk".

from hazel x

authors note: i was watching she's the man last night so this part is kindah bits and pieces from she's the man well this part was "insipired" by it

diary entry #5

dear diary,

i wonder if jasmine and michelle kept a diary. i wonder if anyone else did. maybe i was like the only who kept a diary.

What if at my school, diaries were gay and like no one used diaries. OMG i was going to be a loser!!

anyways, i asked my mum if i could join a soccer team here and she said yes. try outs were in a week and the first game was in two weeks. there were 3 legs in the tryouts; strength, ability and aim.

i know i'm not strong but my ability and aim is good. the first leg tryouts were in 3 days and the second and third legs were in 5 days.

running around the block for a bit.

hazel x

authors note: sorry if you guys didnt like this, i try and write longer and have something to happen in the coming chapters, sorry guys xx

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